You can "feel the call" of your deep feminine soul. You know you are ready to embody more of your authentic feminine power.
You know that you are ready to do the work that will support your deeper connection with your essential feminine nature, awakening even more to the fullness of your sexual power.
You feel ready for a change in how you perceive yourself as a woman, and how you relate to your sexual power.
Let me be your guide and mentor on this amazing journey of self-discovery, renewal and empowerment.
The Light of Womanhood, Priestess of the Flame Mentorship & Training
Reclaiming your authentic sexual power is one of the primary powers that we hold as women. Our sexual energy when used consciously is sacred and unifying. When this was lost and distorted by the male dominator culture, women became disconnected from the source of their power. Modern women have forgotten the power of their sexuality and how to use it wisely.
I am offering one-on-one transformational work for women that is designed to support you in reclaiming these lost parts of your feminine soul, feeling whole, integrated, and empowered with all aspects of your sexual expression, awakening to your full feminine radiance and power, and deepening your connection with the Divine Feminine, and your essential self.
Our One-on-One Transformational Sessions: Together we will go through four phases of how to reconnect with your authentic feminine power. Each phase focuses on a specific area of how to embody this power and how to fully step into your sexual presence. In this program, you and I will partner in some of the work that you specifically need to do and so I like to say that are often each session is designed to work on the areas you most need to deal with week to week as well as the course material. We will meet once a week to start for 2 hrs. and each week you will receive home assignments that you will have a week to do and to integrate. These are specifically designed to follow each phase and to help you to embody more of your essential feminine power. The length of this program depends on your own pace and is designed to work with you for as long as you need for each phase.
Phase I: Reclaiming Your Sexual Wholenessand Sovereignty In this phase, you will have the opportunity to heal aspects of your feminine soul that have to do with your sexuality. Reconnect with your sexual wholeness and sovereignty and discover that is safe to be in your sexual power.
Activate your original feminine blueprint and the first woman lineage of Lilith by learning the true story about Lilith, Eve, and the "fall of womankind."
Reclaim those dismembered parts of your feminine soul and bring them home to you.
Rewrite your sexual story so that it reflects who you are today.
Phase II: Reclaiming Your Core Sexual Power Awaken to your holy sex, your yoni. vulva, or sacred portal is the home of your feminine power, and opening to her beauty, sensuality, and innate power is an essential part of being a sexually whole and empowered woman.
Heal your core feminine wounds by re-establishing a new connection with your yoni, or sacred portal.
Take the time to get to know this sacred part of your body and to be open to your innate sexual power.
Create an altarpiece of your yoni/vulva so that you can honor your new relationship.
Phase III - Reclaiming the Lost Aspects of the Goddess of Love and Sexuality
Through the embodiment of the aspects of the Goddess of Love and Sexuality, you will become more integrated with your sexual expression and power. There are 5 distinct roles that the Goddess of Love represents. The Goddess of Love and Beauty, the Primal Goddess, the Sexual Initiatress, the Sexual Healer, and the Sacred Courtesan. Each aspect offers you gifts that will support the full integration of your authentic sexual power.
Reconnect with your authentic sexual power, in a whole new way by experiencing and learning to embody the different aspects of the Goddess of love and sexuality.
Learn how to embody these different aspects of the feminine and begin to feel more confident and empowered with your sexual expression.
Begin to feel more sexually whole and integrated in your full feminine power, and step into your sexual presence with more confidence.
Phase IV -Embodying Your Essential Feminine Nature and Becoming a Living Goddess
Become more masterful over your sexual energy and learn how to use it in a sacred way for healing, pleasure, manifestation and to activate others.
Develop the Skills of a modern-day priestess, creating a circle and invoking the directions, conducting a ceremony and ritual, creating sacred space, and learning any other skills you might wish to learn to help you become a dynamic and powerful Priestess of the Flame.
Connect with your I Am presence, and learn how to channel safely, develop your inner sensing abilities and cultivate discernment.
Learn how to integrate your spiritual values more completely and express them in the world as a Priestess of the Flame.
My greatest gift is the ability to provide a safe, sacred space for you to heal your core feminine wounds, supporting you to become fully integrated with your authentic feminine power, and inspiring you to embody and express more of your true nature and essential feminine power.
Schedule Your Heart Call Today!
On your call you will have the opportunity to ask questions and discover how this program can support you in stepping more fully into your full feminine power. Email me to set up a time for your call at [email protected]. I will get back with you within 24 hours.
This course has helped me to cultivate vulnerability and use it in a way that allows me to become more open and accepting of myself and others.
Because of this course with Luminessa, I have been able to give myself more time to rest and create through my intuitive self. I can recognize what is happening with others, read my external environment more, and be more aware and present so I won’t react to a situation in my old pattern but rather respond from this new place of inner connectivity. I have been practicing surrendering to the unknown as a pathway to ignite my wisdom. I have developed more grounding and self-care practices. Take good care of my body too.
This course has allowed me to develop more ways to nurture myself that help me to come home to my center when I begin to feel anxious or scared. It has helped me to not feel so afraid of the unknown. Build my resilience, self-confidence, and inner trust. When I surrender into the unknown I surrender into my primal essence. This course has helped to have more courage and faith to surrender to the unknown. I have also been able to deepen my relationship with my beloved and connect with more aspects of my core feminine power. I feel more integrated with the different aspects of my sexual expression. - Serenity Grace Coach, Videographer
Fairy Goddess Mother Adventuring
"Luminessa has been a playful & grounding fairy goddess mother's presence in my life. Her earnest counsel and education broadened my mind and helped me anchor more into what it means to be a woman in the world in these times, while also teaching me about the history of the feminine on this earth and its evolution multidimensionally. Briana Augustine - Earth Grid Healer
Transformational Events
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