"Lilith is holds the key to the recovery of every woman's goddess nature, embodying the archetype of the original once highly esteemed and empowered, naturally spiritual woman." ~Lilith, Keepers of the Flame
For thousands of years Lilith has been demonized. Part of my mission is to restore her to her rightful place as the First Woman of Creation before Eve. Lilith represents woman whole unto herself, free and in her full sexual power.
As mother and guardian of the spiritual root of the human species, womankind came first, then created the human male from within herself called parthenogenesis. All forms of life evolve from the female and are female. Womankind lived within Natural Law that attuned itself to the cycles of time, the original cosmology that emanated from the eternal feminine principle. Creation, Preservation, and Death/Regeneration of all life on Earth. – Lilith Keepers of the Flame
In the beginning, there was Lilith, and she was the First Woman, she was sovereign and whole within herself, and from her womb came the first man Adam who was also sovereign and whole unto himself. Together, they lived in a place called the Garden of Eden. Through the sacred intimacy of their bodies, they gave birth to the offspring of Spirit in the form of Earth’s children. They lived harmoniously with the Laws of Nature and taught their children to do the same. Lilith and Adam lived as mother and father to their children who flourished, were bountiful, and understood life's sacredness and creation.
There are many versions of the story of Lilith, Adam, and Eve. The one above is one that I created based on information I have gathered over the past few years. Creating a myth is easy to do. The most popular story or myth of Lilith is her portrayal as the demoness who defied God and flew away to copulate with the demons. This story was created by the Hebrew Patriarchs who said that Lilith was the first woman along with Adam, both had been created by God the Father from the dust of the Earth. When Adam asked Lilith to copulate in a supine position beneath him, she refused, saying, “Why should I lie beneath you when I am your equal since both of us were created from dust?” She then asked God about this request who agreed with Adam, and so she threw herself out of Eden and flew off to copulate with the demons around the clock, giving birth to hundreds of monsters a day.
She chose to assert power and for that, she was cast out of Eden. The moral is that any woman who gets too uppity and who chooses to assert her power is evil and will be dammed forever. She represents the woman who is scorned or, in this case, denied her true power by men and decides to show them all how bad she can be.
This version of Lilith depicts a rebellious woman who because she declares her sovereignty and equality to men is demoted and becomes the exiled ancestress of humankind’s genesis from the primordial Garden of Eden, and then finally as the Queen of the Demons” in their Kabbalah. – Merlin Stone, When God Was a Woman
Lilith is the original First Woman that existed before Eve, and as such she embodies this new frequency of the feminine. Lilith has been misrepresented for thousands of years as the demoness who defied God, but she is the representation of our original feminine nature. She represents our primal nature which includes our wholeness of being, autonomy, sexual innocence, power,and our sovereignty before patriarchal rule. For thousands of years women have been told to be less than who they are. Our sexual energy has been repressed and denied based on the male dominator culture values of toxic masculinity and control. Women today have the opportunity to reclaim the parts of their own dismembered feminine soul by working directly with Lilith the First Woman's Energy and with my programs.
All of my programs serve to establish this new frequency of the Divine Feminine and anchor it as we go through this very transformative time on Earth. This new paradigm is rooted in our original blueprint of the feminine represented by the archetype of Lilith who was the original First Woman and who represents women as being whole, sovereign, and fully empowered and integrated with her feminine energy.