Articles on Feminine Power,
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
![]() For most of my life, I have been dedicated to self-mastery. My orientation for this was based on my studies of the Ascended Master Teachings and of my spiritual training with a non-denominational New Thought metaphysical organization, The Teaching of the Inner Christ for over 13 years. I was taught that when one becomes the master of their own life, they are then able to have dominion over every aspect of their life as well as living from their Higher Self and being fully self-realized. Since COVID much of my understanding of mastery has expanded as I feel that we are all undergoing an initiation of sorts, as we deal with the shadow controllers’ games of fear and oppression. Understanding Our Ascension Process Part of our Ascension process is to be able to learn how to face these new challenges by first being willing to see our own shadow aspects play out and then by owning these parts of ourselves and healing them. Once we move beyond our need to project our shadow onto others, we can then begin to access the part of ourselves that is committed to Being, and from this place of Being, we will be able to connect with the courage and strength that we didn’t even know we had. As the old paradigm continues to unravel and the universe begins to realign itself into a new configuration of reality, we are all being called to learn how to live from Being, or from our Higher Self, and our Essential Nature. We are being called to expand our consciousness so that we no longer feel that living in a body is limited. We are being given the opportunity to step beyond our programming of limitation and expand our abilities of self-healing, and our innate superpowers that have been dormant for thousands of years. We are being called to let go of the old 3D paradigm of living and step into and embrace the new paradigm instead. ![]() The Old Paradigm vs the New Paradigm The old paradigm is something we are all familiar with. It has brought us to where we are now. This programming has told us the same message over and over again. Life is hard and it causes suffering, struggling, and pain. Working hard is the only way to achieve anything. It tells us that aging is horrible and leads to the slow decay of the body, disease, and death. This way of thinking and being encourages us to feel limited and unable to heal ourselves and to look outside ourselves for help. The old paradigm has set-up systems that support all of this and encourages us to play small, keep our head down, and don't be too original. Giving away our power has become the norm in this paradigm. Politics is the arena that is used to stir up the people and keep them divided pitted against each other, Red against Blue, and so on. The old paradigm tells us that the only way to get ahead is to compete and to look out for number one. It tells us that there isn’t enough for us all, so we need to fight for what we want and hold on to it. Being famous is something we should all want and having lots of stuff is now the American dream and worshipping those who have these things is the norm. The old paradigm is all about survival, consumerism, and separating yourself from the " have and the have nots." The model of scarcity, being kept in debt, and that attaining extreme wealth is only for an elite. It also uses up all of our natural resources and sees nature as something to conquer, putting profits above life. Disempowerment, giving up our sovereign rights of freedom to choose what we want to put into our bodies, making us think that we need to turn to someone outside of ourselves to save us from whatever is the issue being fostered as a threat, are part of the old paradigm. The new paradigm is based on collaboration, cooperation, prosperity for all, learning how to self-govern, connecting to our own Source connection, sovereignty, and living in harmony with nature. The new paradigm establishes itself in the core values that all people matter. That it doesn’t matter what race or religion you are, how much money you have or don’t have. All people deserve to have a good quality of life. To thrive rather than survive. This new way of living is based on abundance rather than scarcity saying that there is enough of everything if we learn how to use our resources consciously. It shows us that there is enough food to end starvation, that we have the money and resources to replenish the Earth, and to resolve many of our major problems. The new paradigm brings us together rather than apart and supports anyone who feels passionate about their idea that can contribute to creating a world that reflects these new values. Disclosure of the many solutions that exist right now which can be utilized for the environment, medicine and health, technology, and more. The new paradigm helps us to restore our natural superhuman talents and gifts and to begin to activate them once again. We are asked to take back our power and to learn to think for ourselves. To first do the research and educate ourselves in order to make the right decision that aligns with our best interests. This new reality tells us that we live in a friendly universe and that the Unified Field is right here surrounding us as part of us and providing us with the direct means with which to co-create our reality as we truly wish it to be. It says that we have a direct connection to Source energy and all we need to do is be able to sustain and high enough vibration and have a focused intention. In the new paradigm, you and I are co-creators of our own reality. We learn that we are always doing that whether we know it or not, but that now we are being encouraged to learn how to do so consciously. The master of Being is something that we have an opportunity to practice every moment of every day. But it does take a conscious commitment and a choice to begin to engage with that part of yourself that desires to be something more than what we have been told we are capable of. This is a new opportunity for all of us to begin to step into a new way of Being that allows us all to awaken to who we truly are, and to truly understand that each of us has the innate ability to take charge of our own lives and to be a collaborator in creating a new world. Find out more about my Ascension Coaching here.
January 2025