Articles on Feminine Power,
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
I have delineated five basic aspects of the goddesses of love and sexuality. They are love and beauty, or the Goddess of Love, Sensuality and Beauty, the instinctual feminine, or the Primal Goddess, the Sexual Initiatress who encompasses both the sexual healer and sacred Courtesan. These aspects represent our sexual expression in a variety of roles. In our modern world, women are still greatly influenced by the images of women in the media that they see. We only see one or two aspects that are often very limited in how they portray women and women's sexual empowerment. Women often fear, hide, are ashamed, or exploit their sexual power. Even if they don't know that they are doing so. Very few women fully understand what their authentic feminine power is and how to use it. We don't know how to embody it. When images of the feminine are distorted to fit a particular cultural standard that has been defined by patriarchal standards of femininity, we forget what it feels like to be whole, sexually empowered and integrated with all aspects of our sexual expression. We forget how to stand strong, feel beautiful, confident, safe in our bodies and be in control of our sexual energy. What I have come to realize is that all women have all of these aspects of the goddess of love within them, and we need to integrate all of them; to learn how to be comfortable with each aspect so that we can feel whole, sovereign, and free to express all of our sexual roles and yet not be defined by them. . Embracing the Goddesses of Love in You The first thing is to begin to understand who these images of the feminine are to you personally is to take the time to find out who you most identify with. Ask yourself these questions:
For the most part, women have been forced to use their sexuality to survive. We see throughout history that women’s sexual power has been feared, her body a symbol of life and the power to create was made to seem evil, something that tempted men away from the divine. Through getting to know the various archetypes of the goddess which represent feminine sexuality and love we can begin to learn more about ourselves and our sexual expression. We can also begin to embody more of the qualities we wish to express. If you would like to become more comfortable with and integrate all of aspects of your sexual expression via these archetypes of the Goddess of Love please get my Living Goddess Guide, Redefining Your Erotic Sense of Self. You will not only recieve my guide but also my personal workbook of What's Your Sexy, Which Goddess of Love Are You. Click Below for Your Guide.
Who is Lilith and what does she have to say to women at this time? What is her gift to you and to womankind? To answer these questions, I need to share first more about Lilith as an archetype of the Original First Woman something that is not often known. Lilith as an archetype is a template for women to use so that we can reconnect with our essential feminine power. As a part of my teachings, Lilith is more than just the demonic seductress that she is often depicted as. She holds the key to our very essential nature as a woman. This information has been hidden for thousands of years and is now ready to be revealed to women through the teachings of The Priestess of the Flame Training based on my lineage as a Keeper of the Flame. What Does Lilith Represent? "Lilith is the true ancestress of humankind; She is the eternal root of the Sacred Feminine from humankind’s spiritual genesis, she symbolizes the archetypal role women once held. Lilith is the triune goddess, snake, bird, and Tree of Life. She is the Alpha and Omega of everywoman's journey."~ Lilith, Keeper of the Flame. Lilith is not only the representation of the primordial feminine energy, the raw passion and independent spirit of a woman but she far, more importantly, is the aspect of a woman that knows herself to be a holy and sacred vessel of the creative power of the universe. She is the original sexual initiatress. "Lilith immortalizes the memory of a woman’s true sexual nature that originated from the primordial Garden. She represents the undivided transgender state of unitary wholeness and the sexual practices taught to convey their memory to others." ~ Lilith Keeper of the Flame. The Power of Our Sexual Nature The true power of our feminine sexual nature has been corrupted so that we have forgotten our rightful place as the sexual initiatress that we are. This role is very important because the use of our sexual energy is a gateway to the restoration of the Divine Feminine Energy. Our sexual energy when used with a sacred clear intent brings harmony and balance back into our own lives and relationships as well as into the world. It has only been through making women's sexual power something to fear that sex and women's bodies have become profane, a commodity, entertainment, something to be bought and sold, and violence against women normalized. Now more than at any other time in our history we have the opportunity to change these messages. The time has come for womankind to take a stand for a new way of being with their sexual power. This will begin to establish a new paradigm for us all and free us from the patriarchal controls we have adhered to for over 5,000 years. You can begin to reconnect yourself as the Sexual Initiatress and the archetype of Lilith by:
We must reconnect with our internal Lilith and her teachings that are so needed at this time for all women and girls. When you do you will begin to become a more fully integrated, sovereign, and sexually conscious woman who is committed to being an anchor of the New Divine Feminine Energy and helping to establish a new paradigm for women's sexuality. Which aspect of the Goddess of Love and Sexuality do you most identify with? Is it Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty, and sensuality? Or perhaps Shakti, the Primal Goddess of creation, the life force? Or do you see yourself more as a Sacred Courtesan or a Sexual Healer? The Goddess of love and sexuality has many names and aspects. She represents a side of the Divine Feminine that depicts women’s sensual and sexual nature as well as their abilities to heal and transmute sexual energy. These goddess archetypes have often been seen from a very narrow point of view based on the time that they were created in. The mythology of any culture always reflects the values of that culture and so do the pantheon of gods and goddesses that are created. What was once said about Aphrodite in Greek society is not necessarily what she represents for modern women today. Archetypes must change and reflect the current the age that they live in. An archetype is a universally understood symbol, term, statement, or pattern of behavior, a prototype upon which others are copied, patterned, or emulated. Four Archetypes of the Goddesses of Love and Sexuality I have delineated three basic archetypes of the Goddesses of Love and Sexuality: the Goddess of Beauty and Sensuality, the Primal Goddess, and the Sacred Courtesan or Sexual Healer. Of course, each of these archetypes has many different names, some of which are, for the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, Venus, Innana and Oshun; Lilith, Shakti, Pele and Brigit for the Primal Goddess; Ishtar and Astarte for the Sacred Prostitute/Courtesan and Sexual Healers. Embracing the Goddess of Love and Sexuality in You In our modern world how women are seen is still greatly influenced by these images of the feminine. Although most women do not know this, they too have allowed themselves to be seen and to see themselves through the lens of one or more of these archetypes. We fear, hide, are ashamed, or exploit our sexual power. Very few women fully use and embody their authentic feminine power, standing in their feminine strength, love, beauty, intelligence, grace, and sexuality. When we do, we take the apology out of being a woman. What I have come to realize is that women need to embrace all of these aspects of themselves if they truly wish to feel whole, integrated and stand in their full authentic feminine power. This includes learning how to use their sexual power not to survive but to thrive. To change the current paradigm which is thousands of years old and by which we still live. Understanding how to be and use this magnificent power is key if we wish to create a world where women are safe to be women and where we can live in partnership with men How You Can Do This? The first thing is to begin to understand who these images of the feminine are to you personally is to take the time to find out who you most identify with. Ask yourself these questions:
Through getting to know the various archetypes of the goddess which represent feminine sexuality and love you can begin to learn more about yourself and our sexual expression. We can also begin to embody more of the qualities we wish to express. Through getting to know those aspects you wish to embrace, you will have a better understanding of your own nature. By practicing ritual, creating an altar and invoking the energy of that aspect to be with you, you will begin to own more of the wholeness of your feminine nature, as a sexually powerful woman. We can also begin to explore what new archetypes of the goddess of love and sexuality we wish to create for a new world that is no longer afraid of the feminine, but rather honors, reveres and celebrates her power. If you are ready to explore more of these aspectsn yurself please join us in the What's Your Sexy playshop on April 27th. |
January 2025