Articles on Feminine Power,
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Change yourself and you change the world. We have all heard this before but what does it mean? Think about where you are on your journey because your inner state shapes your timeline. From a quantum perspective, time doesn’t exist—it’s a concept we’ve created. All moments happen simultaneously. You can only change your life by working on your perceptions and energy field. This involves doing your inner work, facing your shadows, and healing deep wounds. As you heal, you transform your timeline and impact the collective timeline. To change the world, start by changing yourself. Your vibration is crucial, now more than ever. If you want to see a different world, begin by examining the frequency you’re emitting. What are you putting your attention on? Where are you focusing your energy? If you feel like a victim, for example, how can you begin to unwind that program to heal and free yourself? That's your starting point. We are all made of electromagnetic energy and light. When your vibration is low, your light is dim, and you’ll attract similar low frequencies. The Law of Attraction is just that. It reflects back the energy or frequency you are emitting consciously or unconsciously. Your vibration is stabilized when you have cleared out the old traumas and programming of your past and have fully brought yourself into a state of balance. What you perceive in life is influenced by the energy you broadcast, physically and energetically. It’s all about your inner journey and commitment to doing the inner work necessary to build your light quotient. To ascend this is necessary since the process of Ascension is spiritual, energetic, and physical. It requires the development of mastery over your emotional, mental, energetic, and physical bodies. This may sound like a lot and it isn't for the faint of heart or for everyone to do all of this. But if you can just start by focusing on your personal growth and healing then you are on the right track. So, focus on your inner work and ask yourself, “What message or energy am I sending out? What frequency am I emitting in the world?” Does it align with your soul's purpose and true heart, or is your ego mind in control? Question yourself and start your transformation from within. You are reading this article because you are ready to take the next step in your ascension process. Ascension is about raising your personal frequency and light quotient, which also lifts the collective vibration. Remember, you are a part of the greater whole, a fractal of the collective field. This is a unique time in history where the entire collective is ascending along with the planet. That is why it is so important for each individual to do their own healing work and begin to awaken themselves to their True Nature. If each person does this with a deep commitment to their own ascension, then the collective field's vibration would rise as well and reflect a world in kind. If you wish to live in a New World you must be in that world now and begin to live on that timeline.
What does it mean to be discerning and how can you develop this ability? Much of what you see or hear is not always based on fact or truth but rather on personal opinion, hearsay, or something that has been altered. Since this has become more prevalent these days, learning how to be discerning and use your critical thinking is very important. So how can you learn to develop discernment as to what you read, see, or hear in the media or social media or from friends and family? Even when you are listening to someone who is a channel and they are channeling this master or that angel, how do you know who is real or what the truth is? It seems like it has become increasingly more difficult to be able to know for sure what is Real and what is Fake. How to Develop DiscernmentI want to share a few ways that you can develop your ability to discern for yourself what is true or not. The first thing I found important was learning how to come into a state of neutrality. When you are balanced within yourself, when you feel centered, and strong like a tree rooted into the Earth, when you feel a deep connection to Source and are calm, and neutral, then discernment is easy. When you are in this state you can easily feel what is true or false to you. In a place of inner strength, you can watch, read, or hear someone and feel the vibration of the words being said. Do they lift you up, or do they cause you to feel dense energy? This is not referring to hearing about tragedies that are happening in the world, but rather it is a feeling of density or like a weight in your gut sometimes, a heaviness that just feels off.
Once you cultivate this knowing and develop trust in yourSelf, as well as trusting Source or Divine Intelligence, the Unified Field or God whatever name you choose to call that energy of pure love you will be on the way to using your discernment in your life with ease. Again, I am available for sessions by Zoom or phone if you need support in any of these things, please contact me at [email protected]. What is love? We think we understand what this word means but do we really? I know that over the past decade I have allowed myself to open to a deeper meaning of what love truly is. We say the word love for almost everything that we like. I love ice cream or I love swimming and I love you. What if love was something different than what we believed it to be? What if love was a more tangible substance that is part of the very fabric of our universe? What if love was a powerful energy that we feel within our hearts and something that we could learn to direct with a focused intention? I know for a fact that love in its purest sense is not limited to just a feeling, but a substance that is made up of adamantine particles and light. I have seen with my inner sight the web that is around us all of the time and it is made of particles of love. Love is pure consciousness. Pure love in its most true form is actually an organic substance. When I first heard this, I did not understand how love could be a living thing, because in our culture we reduce love to a chemical attraction, something that can be a powerful feeling but not a viable living substance. I love you can be a meaningful statement that you say to someone. But depending upon the context in which you say it, and to whom you say it, it makes all the difference. But the feeling of love itself is palpable. Love even as an emotional response is very much a living frequency that we are attuned to because we were originally designed to know that our very molecules consist of this substance called love. We are living in one of the most transformational times in humanity. What is needed now, is to wake up to who we truly are and to live our lives with a deeper understanding of love and how to use it to transform ourselves and our world. Many years ago I read the book Love Without End, written by Glenda Green who is an artist that had a direct encounter with Jeshua. He appeared before her one day while she was painting and he asked her to paint a portrait of him. Of course, there is more to this story, but one of the things she learned during her sessions with him, was about the power of love and its relationship to something called Adamantine Particles. She explains from a quantum perspective the relationship between the energy of love and its effects on adamantine particles. Adamantine particles represent a continuous flow of high-frequency potential, which manifests into discrete forms and arrangements under the command of love. In other words, when love is present, there is a free exchange of these particles, which creates a dynamic interaction between all living beings. When you direct the flow of love with your intention and focus miracles happen. Love and Adamantine ParticlesAdamantine particles require power to build other particles and atoms. However, only one other type of energy is compatible with them. This energy is the magnetic power of love, which pervades the universe in the form of the Universal Life force, or chi. ki, prana, etc. Love is not only a beautiful feeling but it is the power that ignites and directs adamantine particles into manifestation. Adamantine particles are the building blocks of all structures in the universe. They make up the structures in our bodies and our entire physical form. Love is then an organic substance that when used with a focused intent will charge the adamantine particles of the universe and bring what we have intended into direct creation. There is an ongoing exchange of these particles throughout existence. They not only comprise organic life, but also the planet, the wind, and every substance that is. Everything breathes for the whole of its duration. Inhaling and exhaling, these particles bring vital balance and connections to life. So in any given instance or situation rather than just sending out love you can become more effective by knowing how to focus your energy and have a direct intention. They are totally obedient to love’s commands and respond only to love. They are drawn to love like metal filings to a magnet and, like metal filings do when the magnet is removed, adamantine particles dissemble form when love is not present to draw them in. But when you activate them and command their function they become highly charged and magnetic. So when you understand this relationship between these particles and the energy of love you can then learn how to direct the flow of the energy of love that you feel in a more conscious way. Not just by sending love out without a direction but rather by sending love with a focused intention to a person, place, or situation. This is how love then becomes a healing force that transforms wherever it is directed. When you send love in this way to a friend, or family member or to help a crisis or difficult situation the power of your intention and focus of the love you are feeling to support them to heal or feel better or shift the energy of the situation or circumstance. I have often thought that if a million people or even a few hundred thousand all at the same time focused their intention on stopping war, or creating world peace, these things would be eradicated very quickly. That is how powerful love is. The power of love is that strong. That is why opening yourself to love, letting down the walls around your heart, and being willing to let love in even if you have suffered heartbreak. Allowing yourself to open again to unconditional love, and practicing putting love first in everything you do. This one thing is the most important thing you can do to heal yourself and to become more aligned with the Unified Field and with your Higher Self. So I invite you to begin to open your heart even more than you have and to be willing to see yourself through new eyes as a lover of life, a lover of yourself, and a lover of humanity. I invite you to choose love over judgment, hate, comparison, and competition. Choose love over pain and suffering and allow this most powerful energy to break your heart open so that you can live a life filled with love. When we live as Embodied Presence we offer a healing presence to everyone we connect with. To live as Presence is to be in alignment with the quantum field of pure consciousness, pure potential, and possibility. These are some of the questions I have asked myself for many years which I have after years of mediation practice and study, finally begun to truly understand and embody for myself. For the past two months, I have been in the process of releasing how I have distracted myself from paying attention to my essential nature, the stillness of being. I have been going deeper into this exploration of my True Self, allowing everything I have identified with to drop away. This included the story of me or the personal self, my successes and failures, especially regarding my career choices. As well as how I saw myself being in the world and all of the roles I have played and am still playing, identifying with, and seeing myself as. It included letting go of all the ways I was judging myself, comparing myself, and in general finding fault with, the personal self, and the constant healing of that self and all of her baggage. It was during this process of letting go of the false identification of "myself" and the deeper awakening to my True Nature that my awareness expanded and my vibration shifted along with my perspective. This shift came to me one morning during my meditation when I suddenly realized that I no longer needed to try to be "spiritually awake" because I was already that and more. The shift was only something that I knew had occurred within myself. I suddenly felt that I had already arrived at the place I needed to be and I just had to start living from the place of Embodied Presence. I no longer needed to do anything to get there all that was required was to be there and live it. I am sharing this with you so that you have a guide map in case you too have been experiencing a sense of loss of your old identity as the old world continues to fall apart shifting its identity. Especially during these past few months the old ways of perceiving ourselves and the world has been dissolving whether we have been ready for it or not. What is required of each of us is to also let go of the old ways in which we have been seeing ourselves or identifying ourselves. To flow more with what is taking place in the outer world, we too must let go of the old ways we have perceived ourselves, our relationships, and the world and begin to embrace a new way of being as the New Earth emerges. This process of dying to the old person you have been and being reborn without attaching yourself to another role, idea, or belief about yourself takes a true commitment to your process of awakening. Living as Embodied Presence:
Cultivating Embodied Presence requires noticing your thoughts, your reactivity, any resistance to what is, and learning how to relax and let go and accept the way it is for that moment. Then from that place, you can begin to take action as you are feeling guided. Learning how to meditate is one way you can develop your awareness and witness or observer so that you can begin to notice your thoughts, emotions, and your reactivity to what life may throw at you. Remember that your True Nature, the ever-present stillness that is you, pure consciousness, is always there if you are willing to put your attention on it rather than on the distractions of the world and your life. Overtime when your attention is on the ever-present silence within, you will begin to unwind more and more and relax from the inside out thus emanating this healing vibration to everyone and everything. For me, living from Embodied Presence is a moment-to-moment experience. It isn't something that I can plan to do or try to do. It is only something that I can do right now. I can learn how to slow down, listen to my inner voice, connect with the stillness of being and begin to be the observer of my own life. I can stop and just be in the present moment, notice whatever is going on in my environment, and really see it. I can allow myself to stop whatever I am doing and be still and attune myself to the stillness that is our Essential Nature. The quantum field is everywhere. We live in it and it lives in us. We can never really escape it. the only thing we can learn to do is to let go of the distractions of the world that constantly pull us away from our innermost being. We can learn how to witness our thoughts, feelings, reactions, and know that we are not our story, or those feelings, thoughts, or the roles we play in life. None of these things define who we are. When you are willing to step out of the narrative of what you tell yourself about your own life and even about the world, then a space will open up for you in which you can begin to know that still calm presence that is you. I invite you to take the time to stop and get to know yourself in a new way and to begin to live in a new reality. For most of my life, I have been dedicated to self-mastery. My orientation for this was based on my studies of the Ascended Master Teachings and of my spiritual training with a non-denominational New Thought metaphysical organization, The Teaching of the Inner Christ for over 13 years. I was taught that when one becomes the master of their own life, they are then able to have dominion over every aspect of their life as well as living from their Higher Self and being fully self-realized. Since COVID much of my understanding of mastery has expanded as I feel that we are all undergoing an initiation of sorts, as we deal with the shadow controllers’ games of fear and oppression. Understanding Our Ascension Process Part of our Ascension process is to be able to learn how to face these new challenges by first being willing to see our own shadow aspects play out and then by owning these parts of ourselves and healing them. Once we move beyond our need to project our shadow onto others, we can then begin to access the part of ourselves that is committed to Being, and from this place of Being, we will be able to connect with the courage and strength that we didn’t even know we had. As the old paradigm continues to unravel and the universe begins to realign itself into a new configuration of reality, we are all being called to learn how to live from Being, or from our Higher Self, and our Essential Nature. We are being called to expand our consciousness so that we no longer feel that living in a body is limited. We are being given the opportunity to step beyond our programming of limitation and expand our abilities of self-healing, and our innate superpowers that have been dormant for thousands of years. We are being called to let go of the old 3D paradigm of living and step into and embrace the new paradigm instead. The Old Paradigm vs the New Paradigm The old paradigm is something we are all familiar with. It has brought us to where we are now. This programming has told us the same message over and over again. Life is hard and it causes suffering, struggling, and pain. Working hard is the only way to achieve anything. It tells us that aging is horrible and leads to the slow decay of the body, disease, and death. This way of thinking and being encourages us to feel limited and unable to heal ourselves and to look outside ourselves for help. The old paradigm has set-up systems that support all of this and encourages us to play small, keep our head down, and don't be too original. Giving away our power has become the norm in this paradigm. Politics is the arena that is used to stir up the people and keep them divided pitted against each other, Red against Blue, and so on. The old paradigm tells us that the only way to get ahead is to compete and to look out for number one. It tells us that there isn’t enough for us all, so we need to fight for what we want and hold on to it. Being famous is something we should all want and having lots of stuff is now the American dream and worshipping those who have these things is the norm. The old paradigm is all about survival, consumerism, and separating yourself from the " have and the have nots." The model of scarcity, being kept in debt, and that attaining extreme wealth is only for an elite. It also uses up all of our natural resources and sees nature as something to conquer, putting profits above life. Disempowerment, giving up our sovereign rights of freedom to choose what we want to put into our bodies, making us think that we need to turn to someone outside of ourselves to save us from whatever is the issue being fostered as a threat, are part of the old paradigm. The new paradigm is based on collaboration, cooperation, prosperity for all, learning how to self-govern, connecting to our own Source connection, sovereignty, and living in harmony with nature. The new paradigm establishes itself in the core values that all people matter. That it doesn’t matter what race or religion you are, how much money you have or don’t have. All people deserve to have a good quality of life. To thrive rather than survive. This new way of living is based on abundance rather than scarcity saying that there is enough of everything if we learn how to use our resources consciously. It shows us that there is enough food to end starvation, that we have the money and resources to replenish the Earth, and to resolve many of our major problems. The new paradigm brings us together rather than apart and supports anyone who feels passionate about their idea that can contribute to creating a world that reflects these new values. Disclosure of the many solutions that exist right now which can be utilized for the environment, medicine and health, technology, and more. The new paradigm helps us to restore our natural superhuman talents and gifts and to begin to activate them once again. We are asked to take back our power and to learn to think for ourselves. To first do the research and educate ourselves in order to make the right decision that aligns with our best interests. This new reality tells us that we live in a friendly universe and that the Unified Field is right here surrounding us as part of us and providing us with the direct means with which to co-create our reality as we truly wish it to be. It says that we have a direct connection to Source energy and all we need to do is be able to sustain and high enough vibration and have a focused intention. In the new paradigm, you and I are co-creators of our own reality. We learn that we are always doing that whether we know it or not, but that now we are being encouraged to learn how to do so consciously. The master of Being is something that we have an opportunity to practice every moment of every day. But it does take a conscious commitment and a choice to begin to engage with that part of yourself that desires to be something more than what we have been told we are capable of. This is a new opportunity for all of us to begin to step into a new way of Being that allows us all to awaken to who we truly are, and to truly understand that each of us has the innate ability to take charge of our own lives and to be a collaborator in creating a new world. Find out more about my Ascension Coaching here. What is the meaning of courage? I have pondered this question for many years. Given our current world situation and the challenges that we are all facing, the question of courage and what it means to be called to courage is an important one to answer. The dictionary defines courage as a state of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear, bravery. Courage can also mean allowing your heart to connect with your power center since the root of courage is Coeur the French for the heart. But it wasn’t until I listened to Breene Brown speak about courage that I began to really understand it. She quoted a speech by Teddy Roosevelt that was very powerful, and which summed up what it means to live bravely. (I corrected the gender pronouns to reflect his and her only since this was written in 1910) "It is not the critic who counts; not the person who points out how the strong woman stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends herself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if she fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." After listening to her I felt that the time had come for me to be brave and courageous in my own life and to “dare greatly”. That playing small and keeping myself safe was no longer an option. What I have to say and offer to the world is needed now more than ever even if I don’t always know what that is. What you have to say and offer now is needed more than ever. You may not even know what those things are, and they may be something entirely different from what you have already been doing. When you stand with heartfelt vulnerability for your convictions then you are choosing to be brave and to dare greatly. You are willing to live fully in the arena, taking chances, facing failure and choosing to be brave. Choosing to be brave is not something that you just do once and forget about it. It is something that you choose to do daily. I love the statement Brenee Brown uses which is, “Today I will choose courage over comfort.” Being vulnerable is also another way of measuring how courageous you are in any given moment. Are you willing to show up authentically and to speak from your heart to your family, friends, partners or colleagues? The call to courage is something I feel each of us are going to be called to face even more during the coming years. As the old world continues to fall apart and we begin to step more fully into our power we will need all the courage we can muster. Individually, you may be asked to say no to mandates and other forms of authority that you disagree with. Will you have the courage to do so? Will you be brave enough to put yourself out there and stand up for what you know is right for you? I truly hope that you will answer this call to live your life more daringly and to answer the call to courage when you hear it with a resounding YES. Have you ever thought of yourself as the heroine of your life? Just like Wonder Woman, we too have challenges and obstacles to overcome in our quest to be whole and know our True Nature. Perhaps you have never thought of yourself as a heroine at all? Perhaps you may have thought that in order to qualify you must do something daring, but the truth is that we all have opportunities to be the heroine of our own life. No matter how big or small the task might be we are all faced with many difficulties in our life to overcome. Maybe you remember a fairytale where the heroine must go through several tests put forth by an evil queen or king and must conquer her fears and have the courage to face the obstacles before her. Does this sound familiar? Perhaps you have had to scale the walls of your mind chatter, slay the dragon of self-doubt or wrestle the Cyclops of self-hate and unworthiness. Since your life’s journey is really created by your soul’s agenda, you may have had to take a good look at yourself and confront your shadow and deal with your own personal demons. If you consider yourself to be a spiritual warrior, you have had to make your commitment to your soul’s evolution primary in your life and be willing to discover who you really are no matter what the cost. Often our ego or personal self-has had the opposite agenda which has opposed our soul’s call, thus making our journey even more challenging. At times my own personal journey has been long and wrought with all kinds of difficulties. And, not all have been of my own making. Some have been influenced by the collective mind field that I am a part of, that we are all a part of, the Matrix of dualistic thinking and the illusion that we are powerless. And, at times my journey has seemed endless. Under the influence of the Matrix stepping out and flying freely is not an easy feat, for we must find the courage to unplug ourselves. Each step of the way has at times felt as if I was pulling myself out of the quicksand and the muck and mire of my thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and the stories I have clung to. My identity has been so entrenched in the story of “me” and the roles I have played. How then do you become the heroine of this journey you have created? How do you get to the end of your own rainbow and actually find the treasure or get the prize you have been seeking? For me, it has taken a one-pointed dedication to realize my TRUE Nature and to be willing to meet all of the tests and lessons that my soul has created for me so that I can finally claim the pot of gold I have been seeking. That means knowing myself to be a living, breathing aspect of God/Goddess incarnated in a woman’s body. It is becoming firmly rooted in my I Am Presence (authentic self) and stepping out of the Matrix into a new way of thinking and being, free from the restraints of the limitation of 3D reality, and learning how to navigate through the obstructions that still may show up but in an entirely new way. To be a Master of my own REALITY! Free and Sovereign. What is your story and how will it end? Do you know? Will you be triumphant or will you be vanquished? The heroine’s journey is fraught with uncertainty and takes remarkable courage at times, and sometimes to even be the fool for God. But the prize is worth all of the challenges that you have met and annihilated, for it is the prize of becoming whole within yourself and to recognize the Truth of who you are and to live boldly as that. Have you ever longed to just be? To just allow life to unfold and open to the infinite intelligence that you are? To know yourself as the stillness that is everywhere in and around you? For the past two months, I have been going deeper into this exploration and learning how to embody "being" A time to just lie fallow and allow myself to let go of even more of who I thought I was. To discover some of those beliefs you hold about yourself that you thought you let go of, no longer identified with and then discovered they were still running your life. This process of dying to the old person you have been and then being reborn without attaching yourself to another role, an idea or a belief about yourself takes a true commitment to your process of awakening. This process began for me in my twenties as a life-long journey of getting to know mySelf. To be the master of my own life and to live as Presence. This desire has been my soul's purpose and learning how to manifest from this place has been my soul's life lesson. Being creative is my natural gift. I have always found it easy to develop new programs or have inspiring ideas. The actual consistent effort it takes to make something viable has been a challenge as often I would become a human doing and forget to relax and let my being be my guide. To create from heart and mind coherence, feeling the feeling of having what I say I want right now. Mastering my own limitations by being the Presence in each moment. Letting go of my identity and all of its many facets can take a moment, years or a lifetime. But living as Presence is also creating from being or so Eckhart Tolle says. To cultivate living as the Presence, the stillness that is your essential nature is to offer a healing presence to everyone you connect with. To live as Presence is to be in alignment with consciousness and to allow life to flow through you. Letting go moment to moment of any need to attach yourself to another role, the idea of who you think you are. To notice, watch and be the witness of whatever comes up for you, then gracefully choose not to follow the thoughts that take you away from focusing on the stillness that you are. It is to trust life which is to say you go beyond trusting people, places, and things. You feel and believe in your heart that the power that lives through you and is everywhere knows the way and all you need to do is to cultivate relaxed alertness. When you live as Presence you are connected to your body and it's aliveness. Living as Presence allows you to respond from the intelligence that is your essential nature and to let that be the guide for your life. The mind will continue to chatter but all we need to do is not to follow the thoughts that arise and to return back to the silence that lives in us. I have discovered for myself that even though I have been on a spiritual path for over 30 years I am still learning how to create from being. I am just beginning to have a quiet mind and to actually be intentionally more present in my life and allow Presence to show up. Some of the Things You Can Do to |
June 2024