Articles on Feminine Power,
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Change yourself and you change the world. We have all heard this before but what does it mean? Think about where you are on your journey because your inner state shapes your timeline. From a quantum perspective, time doesn’t exist—it’s a concept we’ve created. All moments happen simultaneously. You can only change your life by working on your perceptions and energy field. This involves doing your inner work, facing your shadows, and healing deep wounds. As you heal, you transform your timeline and impact the collective timeline. To change the world, start by changing yourself. Your vibration is crucial, now more than ever. If you want to see a different world, begin by examining the frequency you’re emitting. What are you putting your attention on? Where are you focusing your energy? If you feel like a victim, for example, how can you begin to unwind that program to heal and free yourself? That's your starting point. We are all made of electromagnetic energy and light. When your vibration is low, your light is dim, and you’ll attract similar low frequencies. The Law of Attraction is just that. It reflects back the energy or frequency you are emitting consciously or unconsciously. Your vibration is stabilized when you have cleared out the old traumas and programming of your past and have fully brought yourself into a state of balance. What you perceive in life is influenced by the energy you broadcast, physically and energetically. It’s all about your inner journey and commitment to doing the inner work necessary to build your light quotient. To ascend this is necessary since the process of Ascension is spiritual, energetic, and physical. It requires the development of mastery over your emotional, mental, energetic, and physical bodies. This may sound like a lot and it isn't for the faint of heart or for everyone to do all of this. But if you can just start by focusing on your personal growth and healing then you are on the right track. So, focus on your inner work and ask yourself, “What message or energy am I sending out? What frequency am I emitting in the world?” Does it align with your soul's purpose and true heart, or is your ego mind in control? Question yourself and start your transformation from within. You are reading this article because you are ready to take the next step in your ascension process. Ascension is about raising your personal frequency and light quotient, which also lifts the collective vibration. Remember, you are a part of the greater whole, a fractal of the collective field. This is a unique time in history where the entire collective is ascending along with the planet. That is why it is so important for each individual to do their own healing work and begin to awaken themselves to their True Nature. If each person does this with a deep commitment to their own ascension, then the collective field's vibration would rise as well and reflect a world in kind. If you wish to live in a New World you must be in that world now and begin to live on that timeline.
I recently began to re-read a book that truly changed my life view of how our world has gotten to where we are today. That book is The Chalice and the Blade, by Riane Eisler. I first read this book back in the 80's when it first came out. Yes, I was one of those women who was just beginning to discover the Goddess during that time. This book had taken work done buy Maria Gimbutas one of the first women archeologists of her day to actually prove that there was a Goddess culture in many societies before they were taken over by what Riane calls, the nomadic hordes or the Kurgans. Partnership Societies I am telling you about this book because I feel that it is important for us to know why we got here. At least to understand the roots of why our world was turned upside down. For thousands of years, there were cultures that existed that Riane calls partnership societies. Women and men lived in harmony together, and art, science, medicine, music, as well as agriculture, shipping and technology thrived. These cultures like Minoa, (2300 BC) or Crete, lived a sort of idyllic life one that is often akin to what we might call a garden of Eden. That is not to say that they did not have their problems like any other society but for the most part they were peaceful, artistically advanced and often women and men shared equal status and responsibility for the governing of their cities.. At any rate, as I began to re-read the passages of the book that told about Crete and how because it was protected by the sea, the hordes of nomadic peoples, or the Kurgans, that were ravishing most of Old Europe for a period of hundreds of years, did not reach Minoa or Crete until much later. So this advanced culture survived for almost 1500 years until earthquakes and other natural disasters weakened the terrain and the walls that protected their city. The Kurgans What actually took place was that the dominator cultures of these nomadic tribes used their knowledge of bronze to develop weapons of destruction and war rather than for science, technology, or art. Their gods were Yahweh, and other gods of war. The goddess did not really hold a high place as these tribes lived often in the desert and not in the fertile planes of Old Europe. They were nomadic and women were the servers of men. What happened because of these invasions by these people called the Kurgans literally changed the course of our history from one of being dedicated to fostering feminine values into one that fostered extreme masculine values of domination, war, and power over others. These nomadic hoards literally turned civilization as it was known upside down. I remember when I first read this I felt devastated and cried for hours in despair as to what caused our world to become a dominator culture. Today, most of us on some level have acknowledged that any society that lives based on only one set of values will become imbalanced and sick. We know that our Western culture and even much of our Eastern and Asian cultures are based on masculine dominator values. We have often experienced first hand the harsh realities of living in a dominator culture but we have also seen the rise of feminine values and women today have finally begun to be heard. What You Can Do So why is this important for us to understand? Well, I believe that when we know the reasons for any change in a culture or society and we can see where we came from first, then we can also know that we can create a new way for all to live. We know that right now our old dominator structures are crumbling before our eyes. Yes, sometimes it doesn't feel that way, but in truth, I am here to tell you that it is. Before any new society can be created the old must die, it must crumble and it may take years or decades for it to do so. The old dinosaurs will eventually not last the new ideas of a people who truly wish to change the world they are living in.
We are at the dawning of a new age that literally was initiated on the Solstice Dec. 21st, 2020. We are also beginning a new year that holds our hopes for what this new world can be even as the old world continues to fall apart. Many call this time the Shift of Ages, which some have said started with the onset of the information age of the internet, but for me, it somehow feels as if we have truly just begun it. This Shift of Ages occurs every 2,160 years. This is a time of great change for our world and with change, there may also be a disruption of the old ways of living and being. Our year began with the COVID virus which was the first disruption to our way of life. Regardless of how or why this virus came to our world its greater purpose I believe was to cause all of humanity to stop and look at the world we had created. To take time out and just reflect on our own lives, our relationships, and what our world had become. The disruption of businesses, schools, recreation, and just about everything you and I held as our norm in life came to a crashing halt all at once, all over the world. This was the first opportunity any of us really had on a large-scale level to feel our normal everyday activities come to an end. I know at first after the shock of it began to wear off I began to adjust to this change. I didn’t particularly like it nor did I feel it was warranted but nevertheless I accepted these changes for the moment. Again, change especially on a world level can often be chaotic, unsettling, and traumatic and cause hardships for many, but it doesn’t always have to. Change can be positive even when it feels disruptive because it can also bring about new ways of thinking, being, and a reevaluation of what is most important to each individual. It can bring about deep personal change and cause us to reflect more on our own shadow aspects that need to be seen. This of course is often also reflected out in the world as we saw during this past year. The transition from one age to another is where we are today. As 2020 ends and 2021 begins we have many choices that we will have to make. We are faced with a chance to really take a good look at what we hold most dear. What is most important to each of us as we move forward? The bigger question here is are we going to allow those who have dictated how we should live, think, and behave to continue to take away our basic civil and human rights from underneath our noses all in the name of safety and protection that we don't really need? We are all being asked to be courageous and to take our power back from the elite few who have taken control with fear and divide and conquer tactics. It is time to stand-up with conviction for what you know is wrong and say NO MORE, this is our world and each of us gets to decide what we will or will not do not just an elite few. Thinking for Ourselves During these next 2 months it is especially important that we begin to act and set the tone for this new year. Will you continue to say nothing and follow orders as they are given, or will you question everything you see and hear deciding for yourself what makes sense to you? It is crucial that you begin to think about what is being told you and to ask questions if you don't know the answers. It is important that you begin to wake up to the fact that it is up to all of us to take back our world and to begin to create the new one we wish to live in. " It is time to take responsibility for the world we wish to live in." This shift is bringing out the best and the worst in humankind. Some people are preparing for this shift by opening their hearts and minds and embracing this uncertainty and changes, and some people are intimidated by the changes, they fear the unknown and may wish to go back in time and back to "normal". The past is gone the future is yet to unfold and all we have is right here in this moment. What you say and do now is what counts. You can focus on the chaos and fear or you can focus on knowing that in order to create a new world the falling apart of the old world is necessary. Once you have accepted that this is a good thing, even though it may be challenging you, new values will come forth so that we can all begin to create a new society that works for all. Each one of us will need to learn how to find stability and guidance within ourselves to trust this guidance and the Laws of Nature, the Unified Field, Quantum Field, God/Goddess or whatever name you call Consciousness. That place where all life begins, all possibilities exist, and which is the substratum of the universe we live in. You are being asked to find your way back home to your essential self if you are to make it through these times. “Transformation is never a painless process. When you fast or cleanse to purify your body, at first you feel worse, because toxins get stirred up in order to be eliminated. Once these poisons have been cleared, you feel lighter and more energized. Now imagine that every person on planet Earth is going through this shift. We are heading into a time of radical change. It is a time of great potential growth and expansion, but it is also a time of great potential pain and suffering. The more that you understand what is happening, the more that you can go through all of the changes without losing your balance and stability.” Santokh Singh Khalsa The more you understand what is happening and what is being called for, the easier it becomes to meet the challenges and to face what needs to be faced with strength, courage, and conviction. Here Are a Few Suggestions to Help You to Find Your Center and to Connect to Your Own Source Energy.Have a daily spiritual practice. Every spiritual tradition has one thing in common: a daily practice. This can be many different things: yoga, meditation, chanting, prayer, contemplation, journaling, etc. The point is that a daily practice can give you something that you can do that brings you back to your center.
June 2024