Articles on Feminine Power,
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
![]() Women's sexual power has been under fire for thousands of years and the feminine soul dismembered. This has happened not only to us individually, but to us collectively. The soul of the feminine is both personal and part of the collective since what we feel about the feminine personally is what makes up the collective field. Once these ideas of the feminine are accepted by the people they become the norm. and once the male-dominator culture was in place the former world based on feminine values was replaced by the patriarchy. How Did This Happen? About 3,000 thousand years ago there was a shift in power that took place from a culture that was Mother Goddess based to one that was becoming based on a Father God. Essentially, when the male-dominator culture and the patriarchy began to overtake the world and the Judeo-Christian patriarchs purposefully crafted a new creation story. The role of women was rewritten to show that all women were subservient to men who were superior beings because they created life. The original Goddess-based creation story was one where Lilith the First Woman was partners with Adam and they were both created from the Earth. Lilith was also considered the Mother of Creation as all living beings are born of woman. It was changed to the story we have now of Lilith being cast out of Eden and becoming a demoness, Eve being born of Adam's rib and becoming his helpmate but soon to be blamed for the downfall of all humanity. The men of that time wanted power over the people. The best way to get this power was to change the stories and the mythology of the culture that they wished to control. So these men gave power to a male God, who could create life, was all-powerful, and to be feared. Gradually over time, maybe hundreds of years after each generation was born, the stories of the mother goddess and how she created life and was the source of life, were changed to fit this agenda and accepted by the people. These powerful men wanted to make sure that the Goddess no longer stood as the primary giver of all life, and that she no longer could influence the people. Women who were the physical representation of the Goddess had to also have their power and rights limited and later taken away as well. This was the beginning of the dismemberment of the collective feminine soul which is still happening even today. The feminine soul has been purposefully chipped away at by powerful men of each era, whether for political gain, or religious or economic control. The one thing that all of these men feared and many men still fear is a woman's authentic feminine power, her sexual power. Women's sexual charisma and power were just "too hot to handle". Before this era of male domination the Goddess and women were held in high esteem and men and women worked together as partners. Women's sexual power was natural and honored. What is Authentic Feminine Power?
When I speak of a woman's authentic feminine power I am speaking about your sexual power. Women by nature of their biology have a power that men can never have. That power is to create life as well as their natural sexual charisma. Beyond these two basic issues, a woman's full sexual power includes not only the power of her sex, but the power of her intellect, her love, her courage, her wrath, her wildness, and her sovereignty. And so, to control women and limit their influence over men who could easily be distracted, a culture of misogyny and rape was created to last thousands of years. Our authentic feminine power also lies in our ability to know our bodies as sacred and holy. To reclaim our body as our own to do with as we choose, when we choose. Our power lies in knowing that we are sovereign a whole unto ourselves, and in our ability to take back our role as the sexual iniaitress. This was always the role of women to initiate men into the sacred sensual arts of love. Women were always the teachers of the arts of love because they understood the power of their shakti and sexual energy. But with the demise of the Mother Goddess as the Creatress of life, women no longer had power over their own sexuality. Reclaiming our feminine soul also means that we reclaim the story of Eve and the blame put upon all women for the downfall of humanity. Reclaiming our innocence must start with each individual. Each woman must decide for herself that she is innocent, that her body is the temple of the Goddess, and that her sex is divine. Her nature is not to serve man but to partner with him to co-create a world where women are seen once again as the emissaries of the divine feminine and men of the divine masculine. When you reclaim the innocence of your body, the sacredness of your sex, and your sovereignty, you restore the feminine back to its original state of purity and potency. You begin to reconnect with your essential feminine power and rewrite the story of Eve for all women.
I have delineated five basic aspects of the goddesses of love and sexuality. They are love and beauty, or the Goddess of Love, Sensuality and Beauty, the instinctual feminine, or the Primal Goddess, the Sexual Initiatress who encompasses both the sexual healer and sacred Courtesan. These aspects represent our sexual expression in a variety of roles. In our modern world, women are still greatly influenced by the images of women in the media that they see. We only see one or two aspects that are often very limited in how they portray women and women's sexual empowerment. Women often fear, hide, are ashamed, or exploit their sexual power. Even if they don't know that they are doing so. Very few women fully understand what their authentic feminine power is and how to use it. We don't know how to embody it. When images of the feminine are distorted to fit a particular cultural standard that has been defined by patriarchal standards of femininity, we forget what it feels like to be whole, sexually empowered and integrated with all aspects of our sexual expression. We forget how to stand strong, feel beautiful, confident, safe in our bodies and be in control of our sexual energy. What I have come to realize is that all women have all of these aspects of the goddess of love within them, and we need to integrate all of them; to learn how to be comfortable with each aspect so that we can feel whole, sovereign, and free to express all of our sexual roles and yet not be defined by them. . Embracing the Goddesses of Love in You The first thing is to begin to understand who these images of the feminine are to you personally is to take the time to find out who you most identify with. Ask yourself these questions:
For the most part, women have been forced to use their sexuality to survive. We see throughout history that women’s sexual power has been feared, her body a symbol of life and the power to create was made to seem evil, something that tempted men away from the divine. Through getting to know the various archetypes of the goddess which represent feminine sexuality and love we can begin to learn more about ourselves and our sexual expression. We can also begin to embody more of the qualities we wish to express. If you would like to become more comfortable with and integrate all of aspects of your sexual expression via these archetypes of the Goddess of Love please get my Living Goddess Guide, Redefining Your Erotic Sense of Self. You will not only recieve my guide but also my personal workbook of What's Your Sexy, Which Goddess of Love Are You. Click Below for Your Guide.
Being a master of yourself and your life is no longer just for the few. It is no longer just for those who have ascended with or without their bodies or those who have become fully self-realized as have a few great Master Teachers or Saints.
Today it is everybody's birthright to claim their sovereignty and learn how to follow their inner guidance. This part of yourself your inner self, higher self, or superconscious self has always been a part of you. You may not have known that it was a part of yourself or that you could connect with it consciously but it has always been a part of you. To recognize your full potential as a divine human and awaken fully to all of your dormant powers and abilities is what this time of transition is about. Now more than ever if we as a people who believe in our freedom to choose, to live freely as we wish, we are being called and pushed into taking the next step in our evolution. We are being asked individually and collectively to break free of the programming we have been living with as limited humans. Rather we are divine humans here to awaken to our full potential and to begin to live as the divine beings we came here to be. Today we have a choice as to where we wish to put our attention. On our personal evolution and awakening to our true potential and self-awareness or to continue down the path of disempowerment, victimization, helplessness, and enslavement. The choice is becoming more clear with each passing day. Will you choose to live from the mastery of your pure potential as the unlimited possibility of life or continue to follow your slave self-programming and ego-mind? We all came here at this time to do one of two things. To fulfill the Divine Plan of Heaven on Earth or to continue being a slave to the old systems of control and oppression. How Do We Live as a Master of Our Life?
We all have to not just change but to transform how we think and how we feel especially how we feel through our hearts. That is where your spiritual quickening of being is optimized. We are all at a crossroads of choice as to the world we wish to create and live in. The mastery of living from the totality of your beingness is the opportunity that is being offered to you and I hope that you will join me in becoming a Master of Being. Find out more about my Ascension Coaching here. ![]() For thousands of years, men have been defining what it means to be a woman. Men have dictated what it means to be a sexy woman and a feminine woman. Men told women what they wanted women to be and then over time put their ideas into the collective field. Now, this started many thousands of years ago during the first dawning of bronze and into the Iron Age. It was during those times that the Great Mother Goddess began to lose her power over the people and the Hebrew, and the Christian patriarchs of the day rewrote herstory to suit their new version of a masculine God a god of war, birth, death, and rebirth. The purpose behind all of this was to gain control and power over the people. If you take away the power of creation, our sexual power, and their sovereign right to choose for themselves you control people much more easily. The secret agenda was always to diminish the power of the feminine and to empower men with toxic masculinity. The power of the feminine which is essentially the power of our life force, our sexuality, and our ability to create was so threatening that over thousands of years, new stories about male power and about the curse of being a woman were embedded in the minds and hearts of all people throughout our Western and Eastern cultures. Women were the embodiment of temptation to men their passions uncontrollable and their emotions too wild. A woman's body was a reminder to men of her sexual potency which threatened the power of the Church. The religious dogma that was taught via the distorted truth about the feminine was literally woven into the very fabric of life until it was accepted as the norm. The true power of a woman and the secret that has been kept from all of humanity but especially from women has been the power of our sexuality and the power of our body. Women have been taught by men through media of all types, educational systems and religious teachings that to be sexually powerful, aware, and sovereign was wrong. Women were taught to fear this power within themselves and to deny it in other women who dared to show that they embodied these qualities. For a woman to enjoy sex especially if you were from a good middle-class or upper-class family was not embodying the qualities of a lady. Now you might think that women today are different. You might even feel that you haven't been at the effect of these beliefs so much, but I am here to tell you that all women throughout most of the world have been affected by these doctrines. The collective field we live in today is filled with these beliefs and even though there have been legal changes in our culture many cultures still treat women as second-class citizens with little or no say about their own lives. Even in our own country, we see how easily our laws can be changed by the men who are still running the government. The time has come for women, for you and me to connect with this new vibration of the feminine and to let it rise up in us all. To find out how read Part 2 of The New Feminine Rising. ![]() The time has come to reclaim your authentic feminine power and with this comes a new vibration of how we use this power. Today, women are still taught to use their sexuality as a commodity. To sell it or their body for material security. We are still shown that a woman's value is based on her sexual appeal to men. Yes, some changes have occurred over the past few decades but overall things haven't really changed that much. What is needed is a radical shift from this old, tired, male dominator paradigm. So how do you rise up into this new vibration of the feminine? Below are a few suggestions on how you can begin to align more with this new vibration.
I invite you to join me and a growing community of women in my monthly call by receiving my Living Goddess Guide, Redefining Your Erotic Sense of Self. ![]() What is your essential feminine power? Where does it come from and how can you access it? What does it truly mean to be an empowered woman? To feel empowered is to feel powerful from within. It truly describes the feminine way of power. Our essential feminine power comes from our core, our sexual center, and our yoni. For men, it resides in the hara or dantien, the solar plexus. You see the most potent force that women have is our shakti. Our primal life force, sexual creative energy. This force resides in all of us, but for women, it is what in many ways defines us. It is this primal energy from our sex center, the second chakra, (that point just above the pelvic bone) that enables us to create life, to be both wild and untamable as well as docile, harmonious, and calm. Our sexual energy is our true feminine power as it is here that the creation of life begins and the mystery of our body is held. Our sexual energy entices, allures, fascinates, radiates, and attracts both men and women. When a woman is fully embodying her sexual essence, she is her most empowered self. She walks with the grace of one who is confident, centered, serene, present, sensual, and fully in her body. She is not afraid of her sexual energy or of the power this energy has over other people. She understands her power and is able to use it wisely, with compassion and integrity. Since she no longer needs to manipulate or control her sexual energy or survive on it, she can be authentically herself, her fully embodied goddess. She is proud of her womanliness, her yoni her breasts her hips her belly, and all of her curves. She revels in her body and loves all of it no matter what shape it is. It is from this place that she creates and offers her gifts, and it is from this place that she partners with a man. A woman fully living in her feminine power is naturally radiant and receptive, yet strong from within herself. This woman lives in you and I invite you to discover her. So are you ready to awaken to your essential feminine power, and begin to live as the Living Goddess that you are? If you said yes then click this link and receive my Living Goddess Guide to Embodying Essential Feminine Power. ![]() What is love? We think we understand what this word means but do we really? I know that over the past decade I have allowed myself to open to a deeper meaning of what love truly is. We say the word love for almost everything that we like. I love ice cream or I love swimming and I love you. What if love was something different than what we believed it to be? What if love was a more tangible substance that is part of the very fabric of our universe? What if love was a powerful energy that we feel within our hearts and something that we could learn to direct with a focused intention? I know for a fact that love in its purest sense is not limited to just a feeling, but a substance that is made up of adamantine particles and light. I have seen with my inner sight the web that is around us all of the time and it is made of particles of love. Love is pure consciousness. Pure love in its most true form is actually an organic substance. When I first heard this, I did not understand how love could be a living thing, because in our culture we reduce love to a chemical attraction, something that can be a powerful feeling but not a viable living substance. I love you can be a meaningful statement that you say to someone. But depending upon the context in which you say it, and to whom you say it, it makes all the difference. But the feeling of love itself is palpable. Love even as an emotional response is very much a living frequency that we are attuned to because we were originally designed to know that our very molecules consist of this substance called love. We are living in one of the most transformational times in humanity. What is needed now, is to wake up to who we truly are and to live our lives with a deeper understanding of love and how to use it to transform ourselves and our world. Many years ago I read the book Love Without End, written by Glenda Green who is an artist that had a direct encounter with Jeshua. He appeared before her one day while she was painting and he asked her to paint a portrait of him. Of course, there is more to this story, but one of the things she learned during her sessions with him, was about the power of love and its relationship to something called Adamantine Particles. She explains from a quantum perspective the relationship between the energy of love and its effects on adamantine particles. Adamantine particles represent a continuous flow of high-frequency potential, which manifests into discrete forms and arrangements under the command of love. In other words, when love is present, there is a free exchange of these particles, which creates a dynamic interaction between all living beings. When you direct the flow of love with your intention and focus miracles happen. Love and Adamantine Particles![]() Adamantine particles require power to build other particles and atoms. However, only one other type of energy is compatible with them. This energy is the magnetic power of love, which pervades the universe in the form of the Universal Life force, or chi. ki, prana, etc. Love is not only a beautiful feeling but it is the power that ignites and directs adamantine particles into manifestation. Adamantine particles are the building blocks of all structures in the universe. They make up the structures in our bodies and our entire physical form. Love is then an organic substance that when used with a focused intent will charge the adamantine particles of the universe and bring what we have intended into direct creation. There is an ongoing exchange of these particles throughout existence. They not only comprise organic life, but also the planet, the wind, and every substance that is. Everything breathes for the whole of its duration. Inhaling and exhaling, these particles bring vital balance and connections to life. So in any given instance or situation rather than just sending out love you can become more effective by knowing how to focus your energy and have a direct intention. They are totally obedient to love’s commands and respond only to love. They are drawn to love like metal filings to a magnet and, like metal filings do when the magnet is removed, adamantine particles dissemble form when love is not present to draw them in. But when you activate them and command their function they become highly charged and magnetic. So when you understand this relationship between these particles and the energy of love you can then learn how to direct the flow of the energy of love that you feel in a more conscious way. Not just by sending love out without a direction but rather by sending love with a focused intention to a person, place, or situation. This is how love then becomes a healing force that transforms wherever it is directed. When you send love in this way to a friend, or family member or to help a crisis or difficult situation the power of your intention and focus of the love you are feeling to support them to heal or feel better or shift the energy of the situation or circumstance. I have often thought that if a million people or even a few hundred thousand all at the same time focused their intention on stopping war, or creating world peace, these things would be eradicated very quickly. That is how powerful love is. The power of love is that strong. That is why opening yourself to love, letting down the walls around your heart, and being willing to let love in even if you have suffered heartbreak. Allowing yourself to open again to unconditional love, and practicing putting love first in everything you do. This one thing is the most important thing you can do to heal yourself and to become more aligned with the Unified Field and with your Higher Self. So I invite you to begin to open your heart even more than you have and to be willing to see yourself through new eyes as a lover of life, a lover of yourself, and a lover of humanity. I invite you to choose love over judgment, hate, comparison, and competition. Choose love over pain and suffering and allow this most powerful energy to break your heart open so that you can live a life filled with love. ![]() We are being challenged today in ways that we never thought possible. Our world has been turned upside down, and many of the institutions, and systems we have counted on and believed in as part of our reality are crumbling before our eyes. For most this is a terrifying and confusing time with no real sign that it will let up anytime soon. But for others, this time is an opportunity to forge ahead in creating a new world that is built upon new systems that truly are by the people and for the people. The question of how we will face these challenges both personally and collectively is something I have been pondering for the past few days. One thing I know for sure is that whatever vibration or resonance I am living in will attract the same and so I can only count on myself as to how I meet these new and almost daunting challenges. Wherever your vibration, or consciousness is at any given time is how you will respond to any given situation or person. That is why connecting to our deeper more expanded self, our essential self is so crucial at this time. Responding rather than reacting, loving, and accepting rather than hating and judging one another is so important right now for all of us. But how can you practice these things when you feel disconnected from your true nature or self? How can you feel this unconditional love for another when you do not feel the connection to yourself? For thousands of years the saints and gurus of many ancient cultures have been speaking of this vast, spacious awareness, but only a relatively low percentage of the population has been able to actually understand, connect or have a direct experience of this expanded sense of self because the majority of people have allowed themselves to over-identify with the roles we play and their egos rather than who they truly are. Without a direct experience and a conscious awareness of your personal connection with your True Nature, the Quantum Field, Source, and the stillness that is ever present within and without, it can be very hard to trust that you are supported by Life and that you also have the ability and the strength to meet what may be coming in the near future. This conscious contact with our own Self which is unlimited pure potential, all-knowing and wise, allows us to have a direct feeling and knowing that we are totally supported by Life. I call this frequency pure love. This power is not just based on what we have personally accomplished or how we identify ourselves on a personal level, but rather on what we are capable of accomplishing as our True unlimited self. It requires a willingness to take a chance to take risks that we may not know the outcome of. It requires us to trust in something beyond our personal self, which is also part of who we are in the larger context of our nature. You can call this the Quantum Field or Higher Power or Divine Intelligence or whatever name you choose to call it, but in order for us to meet what’s ahead for us as a society both personally and collectively we are being asked to go beyond our personal identities, our fears and doubts, and to discover what is beyond that. Sometimes religion does offer this type of connection, but most religions offer an old-world paradigm that tells us to pray to someone outside of ourselves to save us. Thus, taking the power of our True Self away and giving it to a personification of a god or goddess outside of yourself. ![]() Why is It so Important to Connect with Your Essential Self? Why it is so important for all of us to begin to connect with our expanded sense of Self, is so that more of us right now begin to anchor ourselves in the direct knowing of who we truly are as pure awareness in a body expressing our potential to be unlimited and have mastery with every area of our life. This means seeing the big picture beyond what is being shown or told to you by outside sources in the media. How we face our challenges, whether large or small, depends on how we feel connected to ourselves and our power. Without this connection, you will continue on feeling helpless, victim, and at times overwhelmed with the circumstances that are beginning to affect us all currently and in the near future. Our innate power lies within ourselves and it is important for us to learn to rely on this connection rather than look outside of ourselves, whether that be the government, politicians, or institutions. How you do this is really very simple but it takes commitment and a strong desire to break free from the false ideas of who you think you are, an ego mind, to who you really are. I have in other blog articles listed ways in which you can begin to connect with the stillness within and develop a very concrete connection with it https://yonispeak.blogspot.com/2021/11/embodied-presence-and-living-in-new.html. ![]() There was a time when sex and the act of making love was something that was considered sacred. It was an act that was a gift of the Goddess and as such was honored and thought of as a part of life. Both men and women were often initiated into sacred rites by a specially trained man or woman. Through these rites, a young man or young woman became a responsible adult, someone who was now ready to undertake to contribute to the whole community. As temples were built in honor of the Goddess the responsibility of initiation was given to the temple priestesses. Some women were trained to become Temple Prostitutes, whose main role was to restore men back to wholeness after the war and help them to reconnect with their souls and heart. These women would dance the dance of Shakti and be a vessel for the Goddess to come through. The personal self has stepped out of the way and became a vehicle for the energy of the Goddess to flow through her. In the temple of love, the sacred prostitute’s primary offering to the goddess was her welcoming of the stranger, thought to be the emissary of the gods or perhaps the god incarnate. If she were a maiden, he initiated her into the mysteries of her feminine sexuality under the aegis of the goddess. “The Holy Whore as "a woman, who, through ritual or psychological development, has come to know the spiritual side of her sexuality, her true Eroticism, and lives this out according to her circumstances." -The Sacred Prostitute, Nancy Qualls-Corbett In the fertile areas of the world where people were more agrarian-based, and respected nature and the Goddess, the waring more nomadic tribes began to move across the Bering Strait and invaded these peace-loving people. As a result these nomadic raiders generally wiped out all of the men and boys and intermarried with the women. Over time these goddess-based cultures began to embrace the values of their conquerors. Sex began to become profane with the onset of the Church's gradual annihilation of the role of the goddess. As Christianity became more politically based and the desire for power over the people more prevalent the role of the temple priestesses was diminished. The Demise of seeing sex as a sacred act began when the worship of the goddess was discouraged and all that she represented was no longer being practiced. The sacred feminine went from holy to unholy, from sacred to profane and the sacred prostitute was drastically altered. There came a time when the goddess was no longer worshiped; the physical and spiritual aspects of the feminine were declared evil. From this point on women who represented sexuality and the goddess were also condemned by the Church Patriarchs as, “the embodiment of sensuous seduction, the reason for man’s downfall; she was tempted by evil forces and in turn tempted man.” -The Sacred Prostitute, Nancy Qualls-Corbett So the act of sex was also condemned and taught that it could only be done for the procreation of the species. Sex then became profane and all-natural bodily functions became gross, shameful, and not to be spoken of. As you may know, anything that is forbidden becomes a taboo, and all taboos become desirable. Women are convinced over thousands of years, that having sexual desire is not a feminine quality so that any woman who desired sexual gratification must be unfeminine and a “whore”. Diana Rose Heartman in her article Musings of the Sacred Whore, states, “The word 'whore' actually comes from the Hebrew root word ‘hor’ meaning dark pit or hole. The Spanish word for whore, puta, derives from the Latin term for a well, but the Latin term for the grave, literally "a hole in the earth," is puticuli, meaning womb of rebirth. These terms for whore were not derogatory. The Latin term had its root in the Vedic, an early Sanskrit language, wherein the word puta is defined as pure and holy. The cave, the pit, the hole, and the bottomless black lake were metaphors for the Great Goddess.“ In Kathleen Barry's book, The Prostitution of Sexuality, she says that "sexual exploitation objectifies women by reducing them to sex; sex that incites violence against women and that reduces women to commodities for market exchange. Sexual exploitation is the foundation of women's oppression socially normalized." I have always considered myself to be a sex-positive individual and a rather open-minded woman when it comes to sex practices and all the different ways in which we humans like to "get off" or find our pleasure. As a woman who has been a sex educator and a teacher of sacred sexuality as well as a sexual healer, I have personally experienced what it means to be classified as a "sex worker" by the culture at large. ![]() Today we see the result of these beliefs that have become normalized in our culture. Sex for the most part has become a thriving industry that makes billions of dollars yearly. Who sells these products? Women. It is a woman's body that is the commodity once again, and women, even well-paid women in the sex industry, are unconsciously supporting the system that exploits them and sex. The prostitution of sexuality is in full swing and because it is big business it is unlikely to change. So what can you do, given that we are living in a world where sex is seen as entertainment rather than a sacred act of love. The following are a few things we can do to help shift sex from the profane back to the sacred.
The change we seek must come from each one of us who wishes to live in a different culture and now is the time to move in the direction of creating a new culture. You don't have to wait for someone else to do it for you. All that is needed is that you take a stand for what you wish to support and see happening in the world and begin to live that way. To teach your children those values and then we begin to create a New World within the old. These are just a few ideas and I welcome any that you may have. ![]() What makes a woman her most alluring? Is it her brains, beauty, wit, charm, or sex appeal? What are the elements that create female sexual empowerment? Some might say that for a woman to be sexually empowered she must be experienced. Others might say she must know how to be charming and have great sexual charisma, but true female sexual empowerment includes all of this and more. You may think that with the over usage of the word “sexy” these days, the prostitution of sex, and the rampant use of pornography as the new form of sex education, that female sexual empowerment is a given. But the message that is being blasted into the minds and hearts of teen girls and young adult women is not one of sexual empowerment but rather one of enslavement. The truth is that what makes a woman truly powerful is learning how to use her natural given gifts and talents. Those things that make her, you, the funniest, smartest, or wittiest and to learn how to cultivate these talents and attributes whether they be beauty, wit, brains, sex appeal, or all of the above. Betsey Prioleau author of the book, Seductress, Women Who Ravished the World and Their Lost Art of Love, tells us that the archetype of the seductress has been given a bad rap. "She has been villainized as the terrible goddess {who} rules over desire and seduction, a bloodthirsty ball breaker like Salome and Circe, and the antithesis of virtuous femininity." Throughout history, there have been women who have taken their Goddess talents and ravished the world in which they lived. Without these sex goddesses, we would not have known what true female sexual empowerment looked like, felt like, or acted like. What made these women different from the rest of the women of their time? Many lived during eras where women had no choices of any kind, no education, or way to earn a living other than what was dictated to them by the social structure in which they lived. Why were these women unafraid to step out of the mold and dare to be true to themselves? By understanding this we can learn how we can do the same today. Dressing sexy or having a lot of sexual experience doesn't give you true sexual empowerment although it may give you self-confidence. It is what our current western culture would like us to believe but it falls short in describing and demonstrating what authentic feminine sexual empowerment is. I say sexual, because, women are sexual by design. They have breasts and vulvas and for thousands of years during the reign of the Great Goddess, were seen as the Creatress of all life. In the ancient religions of the Goddess men and women have envisioned goddesses of sexuality and worshipped them. The ever-present symbol of that is the yoni or triangle. A New Roadmap Women today need a new roadmap to learn how to reconnect with their authentic feminine power. This can be found in many ways but the one way that I suggest is one of the most interesting and effective is through studying the seductresses of old and new. Women today have the advantage that many of these women did not have. Today we have permission to explore our sexuality, to dress with a flare that expresses our own sense of style, we are independent, self-supporting, and have more sexual experience than our predecessors were ever allowed. Learning how to embody and integrate the archetypes of the goddesses of love as well as the sacred sensual and essential arts of seduction would support women in embodying more of their authentic sexual power. ![]() The Art of Seduction The Sirens of old knew that to be a woman who understood the art of seduction you had to first be true to your own yourself. They were brave, and courageous and weren't afraid to break the rules. Here are some of the things I have learned from them and from my own experience.
If you wish to conquer the world be brave, bold, daring, and the most authentic version of yourself that you can be. You are already a unique person since each of us is born with our own unique gifts and talents. Make the most of what you already have, show off your strengths, and underplay your weaknesses. Trust yourself and your own intuition as to what action needs to be taken when it does and even if you make a mistake just carry on as if it was meant to be. The last and most important thing to remember is that as a woman who knows how to handle her innate sexual power never, ever apologize for it. Never ever apologize for being a woman who is too hot to handle. |
January 2025