Articles on Feminine Power,
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
What do you want 2025 to mean for yourself? How do you envision your life becoming in this new era of spiritual awakening and a paradigm shift? What are you ready to let go of, release completely, forgive and what are you prepared to embrace and move forward with? These are some of the questions I ask you to ask yourself. We are in a cycle of completion that will continue throughout 2025 since it's a 9-year cycle numerologically. This means collectively, we can truly release what hasn't been working for the good of all in our societies, governments, and institutions. In numerology, 2025 is a 9 Universal Year (2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9), making it a year of profound spiritual significance, transformation, and completion. The energy of the number 9 is expansive and humanitarian, representing endings, wisdom, and the culmination of cycles. This energy offers powerful opportunities for the collective and ourselves to let go, heal, and evolve. The Collective Significance of 2025 as a 9 Universal Year
Personal Significance of a 9 Universal Year
How to Align with the Energy of 2025
A 9 Universal Year is a gift, offering a chance to step into alignment with our highest selves and embrace the interconnectedness of all life. As we collectively move through this powerful year, let us lean into its call for compassion, wisdom, and completion, trusting that the endings it brings are the gateways to transformative new beginnings
The Winter Solstice traditionally is a time when we have the opportunity to release the old self and rebirth ourselves into something new. To claim our new vibration. This week holds a powerful opportunity for all of us. As we approach the Solstice, we are at a pivotal moment often described as the "splitting of the timelines." Over the past year, multiple timelines have coexisted in the third dimension, and from a Quantum Physics perspective, countless timelines exist simultaneously. The one we experience depends entirely on our vibrational match to that timeline. This bifurcation that will occur on December 21st will create a permanent timeline split. In simple terms, your vibration—the energy you emit through your thoughts, feelings, and actions—determines which timeline you align with. Each moment, we can shift into one of many variations of reality. This week, especially leading up to the Solstice, offers a unique chance to elevate your vibration as high as possible. But what does it mean to "raise your vibration," and how do you do it? Let’s break it down. We live in a Quantum world, a Unified Field of energy that is intelligent and responsive. Science has shown that everything in existence, including you, is made of energy. Even the solid objects we see around us are, at their core, pure energy. When we name or label something, we give it a fixed identity in our minds, but in reality, it’s all just particles and electrons vibrating at certain frequencies. The way we observe and focus on something shapes how it appears to us. To raise your vibration, focus on uplifting thoughts, emotions, and actions. Gratitude, love, kindness, and clarity of intention help align you with higher frequencies, opening the door to more positive and fulfilling experiences. This week is your chance to align yourself with the highest version of your reality—one where joy, growth, and connection are abundant. Throughout 2024, we’ve been allowed to work on our vibration and release the traumas and patterns that have kept us anchored to the past. This year has been a journey of clearing and letting go, making space for the new and higher possibilities that await us Of creating a new timeline individually and of course aligning with the highest possible timeline in the collective as well. I want to share a personal part of this process with you, as it might resonate with your own experience. Over the past few months, I’ve been doing deep work—releasing attachments and judgments about my own life. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been profoundly healing. I’ve spent time forgiving myself for the things I said I would do but didn’t, for the times I neglected my material needs, and for the dreams I once held onto tightly but ultimately had to let go. I have allowed myself to grieve the loss of that dream and to allow myself to reassess where I am now and what my new dream may want to be. This grieving the loss of an old dream and self-forgiveness is a vital part of the process of up-leveling your vibration. When we release these judgments and attachments, we free ourselves from the weight of guilt, regret, and self-criticism. It’s not about ignoring what we’ve been through but honoring the soul lessons we’ve learned and allowing ourselves to move forward. As the Solstice approaches, you are presented with a profound opportunity to release the past and embrace a renewed version of yourself. If you feel called to this work, it begins with reflecting on what you’ve been holding onto—old patterns, unmet expectations, or past dreams that no longer serve you. Start with self-forgiveness and compassion. Acknowledge your effort, even when things didn’t turn out as you hoped. Trust that every experience has brought you exactly where you need to be for your growth and evolution. When you feel ready, surrender your old self and any attachments to past dreams or outcomes, to the Divine, to Source, or however you connect to the greater universal energy. Let go fully, allowing space for something new to emerge. Once you’ve released the past, take a moment to reflect on the blessings of 2024. Often, these blessings come in unexpected forms—challenges, lessons, or growth opportunities. Recognizing them can be a powerful step toward gratitude and alignment with your highest path. Consider the following areas as you reflect on your blessings:
Gratitude for these blessings—big or small—helps you integrate the lessons of the year and step into the Winter Solstice with a lighter, clearer heart, ready for the opportunities that lie ahead. Each step you take to release the old brings you closer to alignment with your true self and a higher vibrational state. Remember, this is a journey of love, patience, and transformation. You’re not alone in this process, and every bit of work you do is a step toward the life you’re meant to create. By engaging in this process, you can lighten your energetic load, elevate your frequency, and step into a higher vibration. I’ve discovered that simply declaring, “I am done with this old story of myself. I am done reliving it, healing it, and holding onto it. I release it. I am done,” has the power to shift everything. "At this moment, I claim my new vibration and rebirth myself into a higher state of being. By doing this, I choose to align with my highest timeline and contribute to the collective journey toward the Golden Age." I invite you to join me in this transformative declaration. Release what no longer serves you, claim your new vibration, and step boldly into your highest potential. Together, let us align with the highest collective timeline and create a brighter, more harmonious future. The time is now—will you answer the call? When we think of love, we usually connect it to loving someone or something—things or people we genuinely enjoy or care about. We often see love as just an emotion, but it’s actually a powerful energy we’re all made of and live within.
Being "in love" is a special state of awareness. It happens when we’re around someone who opens up our hearts in a new way. This often includes sexual chemistry and hormones like oxytocin, which make us feel warm, connected, and in sync with our partner. However, these feelings are temporary. They help us bond initially, but eventually, the intense "in-love" feelings may fade, revealing our partners more as they really are. This experience is a natural part of being human. But to reach a deeper, Divine Love—love in its purest, universal form—we need to be willing to look within ourselves. This means facing our own traumas, healing past wounds, and learning the lessons our soul is here to experience. Accessing Divine Love isn’t easy, but if you’re committed to connecting with this deeper love, you have to be ready to let go of old pain and bring yourself back into a state of wholeness. As Earth itself is moving into a higher, lighter vibration, we’re also being asked to raise our own frequency. We’re shifting from a world focused on material gain and survival to one rooted in light and Divine Love. Whether we realize it or not, we’re all part of this process of growth. For those who feel called to awaken, this journey means reconnecting with our true selves, or our higher selves. To do this, we need to lift our energy from the lower centers of survival, sex, and power to the heart center, which is all about unconditional love. In the old world, things like anger, judgment, and competition came from survival instincts. Now, we’re moving beyond these lower energies, evolving into a more loving, connected state. Right now, we’re all being invited to make a choice: Do you want to grow into a more connected, loving version of yourself? This means being open to letting go of old ways and embracing a new way of being and interacting with the world around you. This is the invitation being offered to all of us—to connect with a higher form of love. A love that is Divine Intelligence itself, one that embodies joy, peace, wholeness, and unity. If you choose to embrace this call, you’ll begin a journey into becoming a “new human”—someone who lives from the heart. Did you know that your heart is your first “brain,” with over 40,000 neurons that guide and communicate with your mind? Living from the heart means bringing your mind and heart into harmony, letting love and intuition lead the way. This path opens you up to a life filled with deeper purpose, connection, and peace. If you want to see the world change, it starts with you. For our world to truly thrive, each of us needs to step into a new level of being—a way of living that embraces our full humanity while staying connected to all of life. It’s about becoming our best selves, knowing deep down that we are a part of Divine Love. This is how we create the world we dream of, one small, meaningful change at a time. Imagine a world where every individual is cherished, respected, and honored for their unique strengths and wisdom. A world where women are celebrated not just for their beauty but for their courage and insight, and where men are free to express their full range of emotions and potential, without judgment or fear. In this world, as young girls and boys come of age, they are welcomed into adulthood with sacred ceremonies that teach them to embrace their bodies and themselves with love and acceptance. There is no shame in self-love, no hesitation in celebrating the beauty of intimacy. Here, the elders gently guide the young, teaching them about love, responsibility, and the wonder of adulthood. This world is one where men and women stand as equals, working hand-in-hand to build communities rooted in respect and collaboration. Everyone’s unique gifts are recognized and valued, and every person plays a vital role in shaping the health, education, and well-being of the whole. Gender isn’t a barrier, but a part of the beautiful spectrum of identity, and the right person always steps forward to fulfill the role that best aligns with their talents. In this world, creativity flourishes boundlessly. Art, music, science, and medicine thrive, inspired by an ever-expanding curiosity for new ideas and discoveries. Each individual knows their place—not as part of a rigid hierarchy but as part of a greater, harmonious whole, connected to their family, community, and the wider world. Spirituality is as natural as breathing, woven into the fabric of daily life, encouraging growth from a young age. There is no war in this world, no need for conflict, because life and nature are revered in their sacred balance. This is a world where everyone is seen as sacred. From birth, the spiritual gifts of each person are nurtured and allowed to blossom. This might sound like a dream, or perhaps a distant memory of an ancient time, but it’s neither. This is the future many of us are choosing to create right now. For those of us who share this vision, we are building a new world—a partnership society where people feel deeply connected to the Earth, to one another, and to a higher, unifying force. Whether you call it the Unified Field, Divine Intelligence, or simply Love, this energy binds us all together. In this new world, people matter more than profits, and everyone is empowered to contribute, to live with purpose, and to feel a profound sense of belonging. The pain, division, and violence that haunt our world today have no place in this new society. This new world vibrates at a higher frequency—one born from love, unity, and partnership. It’s not created by chance or magic; it is built through dedication, vision, and the collective will of those who dream of a life where all can thrive together. This is a call to those who are ready—to those who feel the stir within, the call to transform from the inside out. A world of unity, harmony, and love starts with each of us. It begins with us becoming the kind of people who live in partnership with ourselves, with our families, and with our communities. To build a world of peace and connection, we must first heal the parts of ourselves that are in conflict. Each of us must do the inner work—breaking through limiting beliefs, healing wounds, and overcoming the challenges we’ve been given to face. The old world is breaking down, and as it crumbles, we are called to rise and step into the invitation to become the best versions of ourselves. As we align with our soul’s purpose and our truest selves, the world of partnership, unity, and love that we dream of becomes real. Together, we can create this new world—a world where we all thrive, connected by love and lifted by our shared vision. For support on your path of Ascension and Awakening please go to: https://heartandsoulmentor.wixsite.com/akashiccounseling/spiritual-guid Change yourself and you change the world. We have all heard this before but what does it mean? Think about where you are on your journey because your inner state shapes your timeline. From a quantum perspective, time doesn’t exist—it’s a concept we’ve created. All moments happen simultaneously. You can only change your life by working on your perceptions and energy field. This involves doing your inner work, facing your shadows, and healing deep wounds. As you heal, you transform your timeline and impact the collective timeline. To change the world, start by changing yourself. Your vibration is crucial, now more than ever. If you want to see a different world, begin by examining the frequency you’re emitting. What are you putting your attention on? Where are you focusing your energy? If you feel like a victim, for example, how can you begin to unwind that program to heal and free yourself? That's your starting point. We are all made of electromagnetic energy and light. When your vibration is low, your light is dim, and you’ll attract similar low frequencies. The Law of Attraction is just that. It reflects back the energy or frequency you are emitting consciously or unconsciously. Your vibration is stabilized when you have cleared out the old traumas and programming of your past and have fully brought yourself into a state of balance. What you perceive in life is influenced by the energy you broadcast, physically and energetically. It’s all about your inner journey and commitment to doing the inner work necessary to build your light quotient. To ascend this is necessary since the process of Ascension is spiritual, energetic, and physical. It requires the development of mastery over your emotional, mental, energetic, and physical bodies. This may sound like a lot and it isn't for the faint of heart or for everyone to do all of this. But if you can just start by focusing on your personal growth and healing then you are on the right track. So, focus on your inner work and ask yourself, “What message or energy am I sending out? What frequency am I emitting in the world?” Does it align with your soul's purpose and true heart, or is your ego mind in control? Question yourself and start your transformation from within. You are reading this article because you are ready to take the next step in your ascension process. Ascension is about raising your personal frequency and light quotient, which also lifts the collective vibration. Remember, you are a part of the greater whole, a fractal of the collective field. This is a unique time in history where the entire collective is ascending along with the planet. That is why it is so important for each individual to do their own healing work and begin to awaken themselves to their True Nature. If each person does this with a deep commitment to their own ascension, then the collective field's vibration would rise as well and reflect a world in kind. If you wish to live in a New World you must be in that world now and begin to live on that timeline. Recently, I revisited Peggy Ornstein's insightful book, "Girls and Sex," penned in 2016. It was a journey to reconnect with her research and insights into various aspects of girls' experiences and perspectives on sexuality, relationships, and identity. I wanted to see if there had been any shifts since the book's publication and, if so, what they were. Did girls still navigate similar challenges in the realms of sex, dating, and the infamous hook-up culture? As someone deeply entrenched in teaching women's sexuality and serving as a sex educator for years, I found some of the anecdotes from young women disheartening. Their accounts of navigating the patriarchal landscapes of college life, particularly within dorms, sororities, or frat houses, shed light on persistent issues. Questions lingered: Was the outdated excuse of "boys will be boys" still prevalent, especially within fraternities? Did girls still feel pressured to conform, to be sexually active, to be seen as fun, despite the potential drawbacks of the hook-up scene? Reflecting on the narratives shared, I couldn't help but wonder about the underlying implications of the hook-up culture. Did the need for alcohol to facilitate casual encounters suggest a deeper issue with self-perception? It appeared that despite societal progress, the hook-up scene remained skewed in favor of male desires, often overlooking female satisfaction and emotional needs. While some women may find temporary liberation or exploration in casual encounters, it often comes at a cost. Many remain unaware of their sexual preferences or feel too embarrassed to voice their desires. For them, losing their virginity or engaging in non-committal encounters becomes more about fitting in than finding fulfillment. Listening to contemporary accounts, it's apparent that satisfaction with hook-up dynamics remains elusive for many women. The casual nature of these encounters often precludes emotional intimacy, leaving participants unfulfilled and disconnected. There's a prevailing sentiment that getting too close to a hook-up partner is discouraged, as it blurs the lines into traditional dating, which itself seems to be viewed as antiquated or undesirable. Drawing from personal experiences, I acknowledge the allure of casual encounters as a means of exploration, but also recognize their limitations. Like many, I traversed my twenties experimenting with casual hook-ups, yet found true sexual empowerment only through self-discovery and leaving behind the hook-up scene. Taking charge of my pleasure became paramount, as I realized that relying solely on a partner for satisfaction was unsustainable. Regrettably, it seems that despite the passage of time, the dynamics of the hook-up culture remain largely unchanged. Women, especially those inexperienced in sexual matters, continue to encounter one-sided encounters where their needs are often sidelined. It's disheartening to realize that decades later, many young women still grapple with similar challenges and frustrations. In contrast, dating emerges as a platform for genuine connection and exploration. It offers the opportunity to engage with others on a deeper level, fostering communication and understanding. For those seeking meaningful relationships, dating serves as a vital tool for gauging compatibility and shared goals. Ultimately, the question persists: Does the prevalent hook-up culture truly empower women, or does it ensnare them in the illusion of liberation? While there may be fleeting benefits, the broader impact on women's sexual autonomy and fulfillment warrants critical examination. We need to talk openly respect each other, and build real connections to improve things. By focusing on understanding ourselves, feeling strong, and ensuring we're happy, We can make relationships more fulfilling for everyone. It's time to move past just seeking quick thrills and start valuing deep connections and real pleasure in our relationships. Moving forward, fostering a culture that values open communication, mutual respect, and genuine emotional connection is paramount to reshaping perceptions and practices surrounding sexuality and relationships. Encouraging self-exploration, empowerment, and prioritizing individual fulfillment can pave the way for more fulfilling, enriching experiences for all individuals, transcending the limitations of a culture fixated on fleeting pleasures and superficial connections. Every New Year has a unique theme and for me, 2024 will be a momentous year for everyone. 2024 is the year of choice point for us all. It will be the year we choose which path we wish to follow personally and globally. We always have a choice no matter what else you may think, Our lives are made up of the choices we have made and our future the choices we will make. How you feel and think about yourself, others and the world affects you on an emotional and physical level and will impact you accordingly. It also contributes to the collective energy and thus it will have an impact on everyone. Your intentions and feelings, your words and actions do have an impact and they do make a difference. This coming year may have many challenges to face, which may also present some hard choices we need to make. We already are experiencing dissonance and polarization amongst our families, friends, states, and nations. The path you choose to follow be it the path of harmony, peace, and unification, or more dissonance, separation, and autocracy, will decide which world you wish to live in. You may have heard the term timeline used in the past year. But what does this mean to choose between the timelines? What I know is that we are right now coexisting on two timelines with a third one emerging. One is that of a world that learns to live in harmony with all nations and peoples, the other is one of continued chaos, suffering, war, and domination. Where you put your attention and focus is what will manifest in your life and your world. Your power lies in where you put your attention. There are many distractions in the world at the moment. The wars going on, politics, our societal infrastructure breaking down, our economy breaking down and so much more. Our attention is being pulled this way and that and you may get lost in the overwhelm of it all. Things that are very important to decide about our world and for your life, may get lost in the chaos. So it is vitally important that each of us take the time to stop, to think, and to make conscious choices that are for the betterment of all people and of course for ourselves. In the communities I choose to align with, we see the bifurcation of timelines becoming even stronger this year. What this means is a separation of the two timelines I mentioned earlier, becomes even more evident. There are the humanists who believe in the organic way of life continuing to unfold and develop, and the transhumanists who believe that machines and people must merge to survive. There are those people who think the old way of doing things can be fixed with technology and those who know it has to fall apart so that new structures and our natural organic intelligence and evolution can emerge even more strongly. The decision you choose to make will impact not only yourself but it will either add to the energy of a world that is focused on unifying all, one that supports life and nature, or one that supports a technocratic world of machines interfaced with people who can no longer think for themselves or even have choices to make. A world that is for me very dark, bleak, and dystopian. Our very existence is at stake here. The Earth is organic and evolves just as we do. Divine Intelligence, Consciousness, or the Unified Field, or whatever you choose to call it, is everywhere and in everyone. The Earth, Gaia is also a conscious being and she is evolving into a higher vibration just as we do. You can choose to move into a higher vibration or not. Whichever you choose will determine where you live either on a 3D planet, material and dense as we are now, or a 5D planet one that is evolving into a lighter more unified state of consciousness. All versions of our planet will exist simultaneously. Those living from Christ consciousness and love will just be vibrating at a higher frequency than those that are not and so they will not be seen. What this means is that each of us has only one choice to make as we begin this new year. I say one choice because, for me, there is only one big choice that will determine which world you choose to live in and where we will put our attention. Are you ready for a world that is truly based on love and unification where with all life wherever it may be or not? A world without war, hunger, suffering, illness, or poverty, a world where all human beings have the opportunity to evolve into the Divine Human they were intended to evolve into and to use all of their divine or as some say superhuman gifts. Or do you choose whether consciously or by absentience a world that worships technology and continues to offer only pain, suffering, illness, struggle, war, death, poverty, and servitude to a small autocratic group of individuals? I invite you this year, to take all the time you need to think things through and feel into your heart, and before choosing to accept something as fact, or to go a certain way, give yourself the time to feel into the choices being presented to you. We are all at the choice point and that means that each of us has a responsibility this year to be thoughtful with all of our choices, especially with those that will determine which world we wish to create. Receive my Living Goddess Guide today. Just signup on the home page by clicking the button under the video. I love the word 'allure'. The word itself captivates one and I find it holds the energy of its meaning. To be alluring is 1) to temp or entice; 2) the power of attraction, 3) to beguile. It could also mean that one has charisma or even the power to seduce or be seductive. When one is 'alluring' the allured is under a “spell” or so it may seem. Don’t you just love knowing that if you are a woman you have the power to beguile? In fact, that is where it all began in the mythical Garden of Eden when the Snake (symbol for sexuality) beguiled Eve to eat the apple of knowledge. The question I wish to explore here is if this is the old definition of what it means to be alluring then what could the new definition be? For centuries, we've been told that our ability to captivate men somehow contributed to the downfall of mankind. Our natural sensuality was labeled as too potent and alluring for men to handle. Consequently, the term 'allure' took on a negative connotation, cautioning us against being too sexy, enticing, or seductive. Society labeled such behavior as inappropriate, associating it only with 'bad girls' and not 'good girls.' Despite our desire to please our parents, there has always been an inner longing to explore our rebellious side. Over 30 years ago, Betty Friedan penned "The Feminine Mystique," a groundbreaking work that shook the very foundations of the feminist movement. Her words brought attention to our roles, a subject that had long been left unexamined. Though written decades ago, Friedan's ideas still resonate in our culture today. She laid bare the roles and attitudes imposed on us in the 1950s and 1960s, revealing how social standards and mores had stifled us. The Essence of Feminine Sexuality From the time of the first woman, Lilith, we have consistently been dynamic and active partners, especially in matters of love-making. We embody Shakti, the Primal Goddess, symbolizing raw sexuality and unbridled emotions. Each of us can be fierce or gentle, untamable in our primal nature—a Wild Woman. This natural state of the feminine, fully embracing our sexual power and appetite, has historically unnerved both men and women. While it wasn't always the case, especially before the decline of the Goddess, this discomfort has persisted for the past ten thousand years. Now, the time has come for us, as women, to wholeheartedly embrace this aspect of our feminine nature—with love, wisdom, and reverence—and hold it as sacred. The New Feminine Rising is an exciting opportunity for you as a woman to transform the way you embody and express your sexual power, allure, and essence. This is a personal conversation delving into what it truly means to be fully in touch with your sexuality—awake, integrated, and empowered. The question of how we, as women, wield our sexual power and allure is now at the forefront. This potent force resides within our wombs, a mysterious magnetic power that draws us back to our divinity—the primal energy of the feminine. In the journey of the New Feminine Rising, the stigma around being an alluring woman is dismantled, and this timeless term is redefined. Today, being an alluring woman means maintaining a vibrant passion and embracing an erotic nature. It's about being a woman inspired by her vision, proudly wearing her womanliness without apology. She understands how to harness the power of attraction within her sacred womb. For her, sexuality is an art expressed at the right time, not a tool for manipulation. She no longer needs such tactics for survival. She is virginal unto herself, finding fulfillment and erotic satisfaction within, without relying on a man. This independence allows her to approach men without fear, embracing and loving them for who they are. She thrives in her sexual power, becoming a woman who is fulfilled on her terms. When a woman no longer needs a man to feel fulfilled she is then free to love them for being who they are. When a woman no longer relies on a man for fulfillment, she is free to love them authentically. With this newfound freedom, more and more women can stand tall, celebrating the magnificence of being a sexually potent, fully impassioned, and alive woman. The New Feminine Rising invites you to embrace this transformation as a personal journey, a celebration of her unique power and essence. With this as a guide more and more women can begin to stand tall and feel that being a sexually potent, fully impassioned, and alive woman is magnificent and something to be celebrated. You can learn how to open more to your authentic sexual power and how to redefine your erotic sense of self by joining me and other amazing women on my monthly FREE calls. Just go to my home page http://www.newfemininerising.com click the button below the video and sign up for all my free gifts. You will have the opportunity to register for the call and discover which aspects of the goddess of love and sexuality you most resonate with. What does it mean to be discerning and how can you develop this ability? Much of what you see or hear is not always based on fact or truth but rather on personal opinion, hearsay, or something that has been altered. Since this has become more prevalent these days, learning how to be discerning and use your critical thinking is very important. So how can you learn to develop discernment as to what you read, see, or hear in the media or social media or from friends and family? Even when you are listening to someone who is a channel and they are channeling this master or that angel, how do you know who is real or what the truth is? It seems like it has become increasingly more difficult to be able to know for sure what is Real and what is Fake. How to Develop DiscernmentI want to share a few ways that you can develop your ability to discern for yourself what is true or not. The first thing I found important was learning how to come into a state of neutrality. When you are balanced within yourself, when you feel centered, and strong like a tree rooted into the Earth, when you feel a deep connection to Source and are calm, and neutral, then discernment is easy. When you are in this state you can easily feel what is true or false to you. In a place of inner strength, you can watch, read, or hear someone and feel the vibration of the words being said. Do they lift you up, or do they cause you to feel dense energy? This is not referring to hearing about tragedies that are happening in the world, but rather it is a feeling of density or like a weight in your gut sometimes, a heaviness that just feels off.
Once you cultivate this knowing and develop trust in yourSelf, as well as trusting Source or Divine Intelligence, the Unified Field or God whatever name you choose to call that energy of pure love you will be on the way to using your discernment in your life with ease. Again, I am available for sessions by Zoom or phone if you need support in any of these things, please contact me at [email protected]. Women's sexual power has been under fire for thousands of years and the feminine soul dismembered. This has happened not only to us individually, but to us collectively. The soul of the feminine is both personal and part of the collective since what we feel about the feminine personally is what makes up the collective field. Once these ideas of the feminine are accepted by the people they become the norm. and once the male-dominator culture was in place the former world based on feminine values was replaced by the patriarchy. How Did This Happen? About 3,000 thousand years ago there was a shift in power that took place from a culture that was Mother Goddess based to one that was becoming based on a Father God. Essentially, when the male-dominator culture and the patriarchy began to overtake the world and the Judeo-Christian patriarchs purposefully crafted a new creation story. The role of women was rewritten to show that all women were subservient to men who were superior beings because they created life. The original Goddess-based creation story was one where Lilith the First Woman was partners with Adam and they were both created from the Earth. Lilith was also considered the Mother of Creation as all living beings are born of woman. It was changed to the story we have now of Lilith being cast out of Eden and becoming a demoness, Eve being born of Adam's rib and becoming his helpmate but soon to be blamed for the downfall of all humanity. The men of that time wanted power over the people. The best way to get this power was to change the stories and the mythology of the culture that they wished to control. So these men gave power to a male God, who could create life, was all-powerful, and to be feared. Gradually over time, maybe hundreds of years after each generation was born, the stories of the mother goddess and how she created life and was the source of life, were changed to fit this agenda and accepted by the people. These powerful men wanted to make sure that the Goddess no longer stood as the primary giver of all life, and that she no longer could influence the people. Women who were the physical representation of the Goddess had to also have their power and rights limited and later taken away as well. This was the beginning of the dismemberment of the collective feminine soul which is still happening even today. The feminine soul has been purposefully chipped away at by powerful men of each era, whether for political gain, or religious or economic control. The one thing that all of these men feared and many men still fear is a woman's authentic feminine power, her sexual power. Women's sexual charisma and power were just "too hot to handle". Before this era of male domination the Goddess and women were held in high esteem and men and women worked together as partners. Women's sexual power was natural and honored. What is Authentic Feminine Power?
When I speak of a woman's authentic feminine power I am speaking about your sexual power. Women by nature of their biology have a power that men can never have. That power is to create life as well as their natural sexual charisma. Beyond these two basic issues, a woman's full sexual power includes not only the power of her sex, but the power of her intellect, her love, her courage, her wrath, her wildness, and her sovereignty. And so, to control women and limit their influence over men who could easily be distracted, a culture of misogyny and rape was created to last thousands of years. Our authentic feminine power also lies in our ability to know our bodies as sacred and holy. To reclaim our body as our own to do with as we choose, when we choose. Our power lies in knowing that we are sovereign a whole unto ourselves, and in our ability to take back our role as the sexual iniaitress. This was always the role of women to initiate men into the sacred sensual arts of love. Women were always the teachers of the arts of love because they understood the power of their shakti and sexual energy. But with the demise of the Mother Goddess as the Creatress of life, women no longer had power over their own sexuality. Reclaiming our feminine soul also means that we reclaim the story of Eve and the blame put upon all women for the downfall of humanity. Reclaiming our innocence must start with each individual. Each woman must decide for herself that she is innocent, that her body is the temple of the Goddess, and that her sex is divine. Her nature is not to serve man but to partner with him to co-create a world where women are seen once again as the emissaries of the divine feminine and men of the divine masculine. When you reclaim the innocence of your body, the sacredness of your sex, and your sovereignty, you restore the feminine back to its original state of purity and potency. You begin to reconnect with your essential feminine power and rewrite the story of Eve for all women. |
January 2025