Articles on Feminine Power,
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Being a master of yourself and your life is no longer just for the few. It is no longer just for those who have ascended with or without their bodies or those who have become fully self-realized as have a few great Master Teachers or Saints.
Today it is everybody's birthright to claim their sovereignty and learn how to follow their inner guidance. This part of yourself your inner self, higher self, or superconscious self has always been a part of you. You may not have known that it was a part of yourself or that you could connect with it consciously but it has always been a part of you. To recognize your full potential as a divine human and awaken fully to all of your dormant powers and abilities is what this time of transition is about. Now more than ever if we as a people who believe in our freedom to choose, to live freely as we wish, we are being called and pushed into taking the next step in our evolution. We are being asked individually and collectively to break free of the programming we have been living with as limited humans. Rather we are divine humans here to awaken to our full potential and to begin to live as the divine beings we came here to be. Today we have a choice as to where we wish to put our attention. On our personal evolution and awakening to our true potential and self-awareness or to continue down the path of disempowerment, victimization, helplessness, and enslavement. The choice is becoming more clear with each passing day. Will you choose to live from the mastery of your pure potential as the unlimited possibility of life or continue to follow your slave self-programming and ego-mind? We all came here at this time to do one of two things. To fulfill the Divine Plan of Heaven on Earth or to continue being a slave to the old systems of control and oppression. How Do We Live as a Master of Our Life?
We all have to not just change but to transform how we think and how we feel especially how we feel through our hearts. That is where your spiritual quickening of being is optimized. We are all at a crossroads of choice as to the world we wish to create and live in. The mastery of living from the totality of your beingness is the opportunity that is being offered to you and I hope that you will join me in becoming a Master of Being. Find out more about my Ascension Coaching here.
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January 2025