Articles on Feminine Power,
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
![]() Have you ever thought of yourself as the heroine of your life? Just like Wonder Woman, we too have challenges and obstacles to overcome in our quest to be whole and know our True Nature. Perhaps you have never thought of yourself as a heroine at all? Perhaps you may have thought that in order to qualify you must do something daring, but the truth is that we all have opportunities to be the heroine of our own life. No matter how big or small the task might be we are all faced with many difficulties in our life to overcome. Maybe you remember a fairytale where the heroine must go through several tests put forth by an evil queen or king and must conquer her fears and have the courage to face the obstacles before her. Does this sound familiar? Perhaps you have had to scale the walls of your mind chatter, slay the dragon of self-doubt or wrestle the Cyclops of self-hate and unworthiness. Since your life’s journey is really created by your soul’s agenda, you may have had to take a good look at yourself and confront your shadow and deal with your own personal demons. If you consider yourself to be a spiritual warrior, you have had to make your commitment to your soul’s evolution primary in your life and be willing to discover who you really are no matter what the cost. Often our ego or personal self-has had the opposite agenda which has opposed our soul’s call, thus making our journey even more challenging. At times my own personal journey has been long and wrought with all kinds of difficulties. And, not all have been of my own making. Some have been influenced by the collective mind field that I am a part of, that we are all a part of, the Matrix of dualistic thinking and the illusion that we are powerless. And, at times my journey has seemed endless. Under the influence of the Matrix stepping out and flying freely is not an easy feat, for we must find the courage to unplug ourselves. Each step of the way has at times felt as if I was pulling myself out of the quicksand and the muck and mire of my thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and the stories I have clung to. My identity has been so entrenched in the story of “me” and the roles I have played. How then do you become the heroine of this journey you have created? How do you get to the end of your own rainbow and actually find the treasure or get the prize you have been seeking? For me, it has taken a one-pointed dedication to realize my TRUE Nature and to be willing to meet all of the tests and lessons that my soul has created for me so that I can finally claim the pot of gold I have been seeking. That means knowing myself to be a living, breathing aspect of God/Goddess incarnated in a woman’s body. It is becoming firmly rooted in my I Am Presence (authentic self) and stepping out of the Matrix into a new way of thinking and being, free from the restraints of the limitation of 3D reality, and learning how to navigate through the obstructions that still may show up but in an entirely new way. To be a Master of my own REALITY! Free and Sovereign. What is your story and how will it end? Do you know? Will you be triumphant or will you be vanquished? The heroine’s journey is fraught with uncertainty and takes remarkable courage at times, and sometimes to even be the fool for God. But the prize is worth all of the challenges that you have met and annihilated, for it is the prize of becoming whole within yourself and to recognize the Truth of who you are and to live boldly as that.
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January 2025