Articles on Feminine Power,
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Sexuality, Spirituality & More
I recently began to re-read a book that truly changed my life view of how our world has gotten to where we are today. That book is The Chalice and the Blade, by Riane Eisler. I first read this book back in the 80's when it first came out. Yes, I was one of those women who was just beginning to discover the Goddess during that time. This book had taken work done buy Maria Gimbutas one of the first women archeologists of her day to actually prove that there was a Goddess culture in many societies before they were taken over by what Riane calls, the nomadic hordes or the Kurgans. Partnership Societies I am telling you about this book because I feel that it is important for us to know why we got here. At least to understand the roots of why our world was turned upside down. For thousands of years, there were cultures that existed that Riane calls partnership societies. Women and men lived in harmony together, and art, science, medicine, music, as well as agriculture, shipping and technology thrived. These cultures like Minoa, (2300 BC) or Crete, lived a sort of idyllic life one that is often akin to what we might call a garden of Eden. That is not to say that they did not have their problems like any other society but for the most part they were peaceful, artistically advanced and often women and men shared equal status and responsibility for the governing of their cities.. At any rate, as I began to re-read the passages of the book that told about Crete and how because it was protected by the sea, the hordes of nomadic peoples, or the Kurgans, that were ravishing most of Old Europe for a period of hundreds of years, did not reach Minoa or Crete until much later. So this advanced culture survived for almost 1500 years until earthquakes and other natural disasters weakened the terrain and the walls that protected their city. The Kurgans What actually took place was that the dominator cultures of these nomadic tribes used their knowledge of bronze to develop weapons of destruction and war rather than for science, technology, or art. Their gods were Yahweh, and other gods of war. The goddess did not really hold a high place as these tribes lived often in the desert and not in the fertile planes of Old Europe. They were nomadic and women were the servers of men. What happened because of these invasions by these people called the Kurgans literally changed the course of our history from one of being dedicated to fostering feminine values into one that fostered extreme masculine values of domination, war, and power over others. These nomadic hoards literally turned civilization as it was known upside down. I remember when I first read this I felt devastated and cried for hours in despair as to what caused our world to become a dominator culture. Today, most of us on some level have acknowledged that any society that lives based on only one set of values will become imbalanced and sick. We know that our Western culture and even much of our Eastern and Asian cultures are based on masculine dominator values. We have often experienced first hand the harsh realities of living in a dominator culture but we have also seen the rise of feminine values and women today have finally begun to be heard. What You Can Do So why is this important for us to understand? Well, I believe that when we know the reasons for any change in a culture or society and we can see where we came from first, then we can also know that we can create a new way for all to live. We know that right now our old dominator structures are crumbling before our eyes. Yes, sometimes it doesn't feel that way, but in truth, I am here to tell you that it is. Before any new society can be created the old must die, it must crumble and it may take years or decades for it to do so. The old dinosaurs will eventually not last the new ideas of a people who truly wish to change the world they are living in.
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January 2025