Articles on Feminine Power,
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
Sexuality, Spirituality & More
I love the word ‘allure’. The word itself captivates one and I find it holds the energy of its meaning. To be alluring is 1) to tempt or entice; 2) the power of attraction, 3) to beguile. It could also mean that you have charisma or even the power to seduce or be seductive and that the object of your seduction is under your spell. Don’t you just love knowing that if you are a woman you have the power to beguile? In fact, that is where it all began in the mythical Garden of Eden when the Snake (symbol for sexuality) beguiled Eve to eat the tree of knowledge. The question I wish to explore here is if this is the old definition of what it means to be alluring then what could the new definition be? This is an important question for women to answer, forever since the ‘fall’ we women have been trying to apologize for being a woman. I believe that the time has come to reshape, reconfigure and redefine what it means to be a woman who has allure or what I call ‘feminine mystique’. It has been for literally thousands of years that we have been told that it was our ability to entice men that caused the downfall of mankind. Our innate sexuality was too hot for a man to handle. And so the word allure got a bad rap and women were told that to be too sexy, too enticing or seductive was wrong. Only bad girls did that, not good girls. And even though we wanted to please our mothers and fathers we also wanted to explore our bad girl nature Feminine Sexual EssenceFrom the first woman Lilith, women have always been the more dynamic and active partner, especially in lovemaking, for we are the expression of Shakti the Primal Goddess. She represents raw sexuality, uncontrolled emotions. She can be fierce or gentle. She is untameable and is our primal nature, the Wild Woman. It is the feminine in her most natural state in full acceptance of her sexual power and her sexual appetite. This aspect of the feminine has always scared the male population and it has also scared many women. Of course, this was not always the case, especially before the demise of the Goddess. But it has been the case for the past 10 thousand years. And so the time has come for women to embrace this aspect of her feminine nature and to use it with love, wisdom, and reverence and to hold it sacred. What is the New Feminine Mystique?The New Feminine Mystique is a new possibility for you as a woman to shift the current way in which you embody and express your sexual power, your sexual allure, and your feminine sexual essence. It is a conversation that explores what it means to be a fully-embodied sexually-awake, totally integrated woman. How we as women use our power, the power of our sex and sexual allure is a question whose time has come. This power that women hold resides in their womb. It is a mysterious magnetic power that attracts all back to their divinity. It is also the primal energy of the feminine.
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January 2025